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3030 Résultats pour votre recherche : bitcoin
Blockchain: wisdom of crowds begins in blind competition8 Janvier 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Blockchain, the technology underlying
, is coming to a back office, and clearing house, and bank, and front office near you. Instead of one authority keeping records, everyone will. That’s the idea, anyway, of a wave of start-ups rushing to build workable applications. How will clarity...
Blockchain Revolution: How blockchain is Changing Money, Business and the World7 Janvier 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
How the Underlying Technology of
is Changing Money, Business, and the World. The Portfolio imprint of Penguin Random House has acquired world rights to BLOCKCHAIN REVOLUTION: How the Underlying Technology of is Changing Money, Business, and the World by Don Tapscott, the bestselling...
33 indicateurs : la hausse de Bitcoin ne ralentira pas en 2016 (infographie)6 Janvier 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
Lorsque Satoshi Nakamoto lança le
en Janvier 2009, ce fut le début d'une révolution. Le bloc originel de la blockchain avait été codé avec une petite citation du journal britannique le Times du 3 janvier 2009 : "Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks." L’espoir de la crypto-monnaie...
BTCC Deploys 100 Full Bitcoin Nodes Across Five Continents6 Janvier 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Platform Becomes First Exchange and Mining Pool To Donate Nodes. BTCC today deployed 100 full nodes across five continents to support the network. Full nodes enforce the rules of the network by serving a full copy of the blockchain and...
Blockchain : en 2019 les banques investiront 400 millions de dollars6 Janvier 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Banks are making big bets on blockchain and will invest an estimated $400 million into the technology—the digital public ledger that enables the usage of cryptocurrencies such as
—by 2019, according to new estimates from financial services research firm Aite Group. Financial institutions...
Le hold-up de la blockchain tourne à la farce5 Janvier 2016 | Corporate Finance Opinions
Pour ceux qui auraient hiberné pendant toute l'année 2015, rappelons que la blockchain est le grand livre de compte qui constitue le cœur de
et lui offre une sécurité et une résilience incomparables grâce à sa conception « distribuée ». En simplifiant un peu l'explication,...
Blockchain Alliance Forms in Washington, DC5 Janvier 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
A public-private forum to combat criminal activity on the blockchain. Today a public-private forum has been formed by the
community to help combat criminal activity involving and the blockchain. Founded by the Chamber of Digital Commerce and Coin Center, the Blockchain Alliance is...
Blockchain: new transaction network will be developed by IBM and Wells Fargo21 Décembre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Tech and Financial Giants Back New Blockchain Consortium.
’s blockchain technology is being eyed by various major players in the financial and technology sectors. A new transaction network based on blockchain technology will be developed by IBM and Wells Fargo, as well as London Stock...
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System (by Satoshi Nakamoto)21 Décembre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
En 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto a publié un document intitulé “
: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”, qui décrit les détails conceptuels et techniques d'un système de paiement qui permettrait aux particuliers d'envoyer et de recevoir des paiements sans impliquer des institutions financières...
Blockchain: illustration of how a sidechain works (Blockstream)21 Décembre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Blockstream, a group comprising some of the best-known cryptocurrency developers, on Tuesday released the first product to come out of its effort to address some of
’s perceived weaknesses and open it up to so-called “ 2.0″ applications, while still maintaining its core ethos of...
Does A Blockchain Without Bitcoin Harm or Hurt the Currency?21 Décembre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
As somebody whose opinion is published for all the world to see, I probably shouldn’t draw attention to the times when I get things wrong, but on the basis that the
community values honesty and openness above all else, I am prepared to do just that. Back in June of this year I wrote that...
Overstock's t0: Reconciling Fiat Currency and the Bitcoin Blockchain21 Décembre 2015 | Corporate Finance Actus
Increasingly over recent months, a debate is raging over whether the true potential of Satoshi Nakamoto’s invention lies in
or the concept of a blockchain. For one camp, the focus should be on ’s potential to compete with or replace fiat currencies, along with the ...
PrivatBank installe le bitcoin dans l'e-commerce18 Décembre 2015 | Corporate Finance Opinions
Pendant que les débats s'enveniment autour de ses bienfaits et de ses défauts, le
poursuit, imperturbable, son développement dans le monde. En Ukraine, PrivatBank franchit un cap important en devenant la première banque (à ma connaissance) à généraliser l'acceptation de la crypto-devise...
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