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3030 Résultats pour votre recherche : bitcoin
GFT launches “Project Jupiter” in London: Disrupting financial service industries with #Blockchain20 Novembre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Que se passerait-il si l’on passait à côté du blockchain ? (partie 2)20 Novembre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
Is Bitcoin suitable as an interim store of value for a payment rail?19 Novembre 2015 | Corporate Finance Opinions
TL:DR – the answer is no.
is back in fashion, for the simple reason that the price is rising. But has three use cases: # 1 Asset to invest in/trade with (digital gold) # 2 Currency to pay for stuff (pay for pizza) # 3 An interim store of value for a payment rail With the recent...
Tokenization could be the Trojan Horse that will break the credit card rails17 Novembre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
Despite Bitcoin’s Surge, Blockchain Is Still The Bigger Story10 Novembre 2015 | Corporate Finance Actus
Le Bitcoin à 500$4 Novembre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
La progression se poursuit et le
atteint les 500 USD. L'Indice poursuit son chemin au-delà des 450 USD plus tôt aujourd'hui pour atteindre ce jour 500 USD à 13h20 UTC. NDLR : la conférence BL0CKCHA1N organisée hier par Finyear contribue très certainement à cette progression (-: Pour...
Opérations de change : pas de TVA sur le Bitcoin26 Octobre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Dans un Arrêt (1) en date du 22 octobre, faisant jurisprudence, la Cour de justice européenne a décidé que les opérations d’échange de monnaie traditionnelle contre des
s doivent dorénavant être exonérées de TVA. Cette décision place désormais le sur un pied d’égalité avec les autres...
Une législation sur les crypto-monnaies en approche à Jersey26 Octobre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
FY360° | Understanding blockchain and the opportunity for financial institutions16 Octobre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
As Bitcoin’s Market Grows in Europe, Increased Concerns for Rational Regulation16 Octobre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
By Judith Rinearson and Joseph Smallhoover. A recent Bitpay report indicates that
transaction volumes in Europe reached an all-time high in the first two quarters of 2015 (1). This uptick in European transactions has not gone unnoticed, particularly by regulators and law...
FY360° | It’s About the Blockchain15 Octobre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
We’ve been working with
at Glenbrook for a few years now, teaching about it in our boot camps, and holding one-day workshops on math-based currencies and blockchain technology. I have one conclusion. The focus of the evolution of digital money is shifting. Where that evolution will take us...
FY360° | Where are bitcoin transaction volumes heading?14 Octobre 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
For the year-to-date at the end of August 2015, the total number of
transactions has increased by 70% over the same eight-month period in 2014. For the month of August 2015, the average daily volume of transactions was 115 thousand transactions per day, a 69% increase over the...
3 novembre 2015 (Paris) | Blockchain Vision - Conférence V113 Octobre 2015 | Conférences | DeFi, Blockchain, ICO
FY360° | Disrupting beliefs: A new approach to business-model innovation12 Octobre 2015 | Corporate Finance Actus
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