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3030 Résultats pour votre recherche : bitcoin
Download : Blockchain (Taylor Wessing)4 Mars 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Download, le magazine de Taylor Wessing traite ce mois-ci de la blockchain. La technologie du grand livre distribué (distributed ledger), ou chaîne de blocs (blockchain), est mieux connue comme la technologie qui sous-tend le
, la crypto-monnaie qui connait le plus de succès dans le monde à...
The Inside Scoop on Bitcoin and Blockchain4 Mars 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
By Dan Wellers, he leads Digital Futures for SAP Marketing Strategy. 1. Perception:
is doomed, and so is the technology behind it. Reality: In January, when an influential developer declared a failure, tech enthusiasts and thought leaders worldwide predicted its imminent demise....
Imagine the Trust: the Role of Blockchain in Financial Services3 Mars 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
ConsenSys, startup Blockchain, envisage l'identité digitale biométrique pour mobile3 Mars 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
SpectroCoin Giving Away Free Virtual Bitcoin Debit Cards3 Mars 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
service provider last month introduced multi-currency wallets for its clients, so now they can choose among of a number of currencies such as EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, CZK, PLN, NOK to name but a few as their base currency in wallet. In addition, to this company...
Safe Cash Speeds up Blockchain to 25,000 Transactions per Second2 Mars 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
By Private, Permissioned Blockchain Can Process 3,000 Times as Many Transactions as
, 10x Current Visa Average. Safe Cash ( ), a digital payment technology for banks, merchants, and consumers, has announced that it is able to handle up to 25,000 transactions per second on its...
How blockchain could change the financial system (part 1 & 2)2 Mars 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
The Hutchins Center explains. Note: - Part 1 explains the basics of
and the blockchain. - Part 2 covers tensions within the industry and with regulators. , the stateless virtual currency, often sounds like something between fad and fraud. But the technology undergirding and...
Wirex: A Hybrid Financial Platform That Uses Blockchain Technology2 Mars 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Dubai Museum of the Future Foundation announces launch of Global Blockchain Council1 Mars 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Cloud Storage Company, Savage IO, launches Bitcoin & Blockchain Storefront1 Mars 2016 | Corporate Finance Actus
Savage IO, a leader in high performance cloud storage offerings, has announced the grand opening of Miner Palace (, a U.S. storefront for
, Blockchain, and PoW hardware. What makes Miner Palace unique is its inventory of currently active hardware in Savage IO’s BTCaaS...
Eight Key Features of Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers Explained1 Mars 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
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