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3030 Résultats pour votre recherche : bitcoin
Will Blockhaus Technology Revolutionize Supply Chain Applications?28 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Blockchain: New York City Start Up Ready To Disrupt28 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Riding on the Staten Island Ferry this morning, I checked Coindesk to get my morning fill of recent news in the
/Blockchain community. I opened up Bailey Reutzel’s article, which read “post-trade settlement services for small to medium sized enterprises will soon be in development.” e-BIT...
Blockchain: The Internet of Trust28 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
By Andreas Adriano and Hunter Monroe, IMF. Created to avoid banks,
’s blockchain technology may end up helping them. The greatest thing about cash is the simplicity of transactions. You just hand it over and receive something. Nobody asks your name, address, phone number, date of birth,...
Blockchain : 7 banques dont UBS et Santander réalisent des paiements transfrontaliers27 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Mizuho Financial Group and IBM to Test Blockchain Technology for Settlements Using Virtual Currency27 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Beyond Bitcoin: The business case for blockchain27 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
By Jan Rees, Financial Services Sales Specialist, NCR. Digital currencies are not a new phenomenon, but they’ve certainly gained more media attention since the introduction of
in 2009. The peer-to-peer payment system is often described as the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Opinions...
Blockchain Intelligence Group – Closes $100,000 USD Investment Via Bitcoin27 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Leader in Blockchain Big Data and Analytics Now Accepts
as a Medium of Investment Blockchain Intelligence Group (“BIG”) today announces that the Company now allows potential investors the opportunity to buy shares in the current BIG private placement using s, a digital currency,...
Blockchain : l’AMF attentive aux projets de développement des registres distribués (DLT) dans les marchés financiers24 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
What We Can Learn From the DAO Experiment, DAOs and Decentralized Governance24 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
Ledger launches Nano S, a secure cryptocurrency hardware wallet24 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Ledger Nano S is a secure
and Ethereum hardware wallet. It connects to any computer through USB and embeds a built-in OLED display to double-check and confirm each transaction with a single tap on its side buttons. After Nano, HW.1, and Unplugged, Ledger completes its hardware wallets offer...
Euroclear and itBit collaborate on blockchain solution for gold market settlement23 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
La technologie blockchain et ses enjeux juridiques23 Juin 2016 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
Si la blockchain est le plus souvent associée aux
s, valeur d’échange sur laquelle on s’interroge encore sur sa qualification de monnaie virtuelle, la blockchain est avant tout un procédé technologique dont les applications apparaissent multiples. Rappelons tout d’abord la définition que...
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