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13642 Résultats pour votre recherche : blockchain
Bitcoin Conference is going to make a mash on Europe. Meet the conference dedicated to the currency of the future in Prague!18 Mai 2015 | Conférences | DeFi, Blockchain, ICO
Le Nasdaq expérimente la technologie Blockchain18 Mai 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Le Nasdaq a annoncé qu'il allait tester cette année encore la technologie
pour améliorer l'échange des actions sur le Nasdaq Private Market. Le Nasdaq a décidé de lancer cette année encore un registre d'actions basée sur la technologie , sur laquelle repose le Bitcoin. Selon le...
Why Business Schools Need to Teach About the Blockchain11 Mai 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
An overview of Cryptocurrency and
technology based business initiatives and models. Traditional in nature but revolutionary in its outlook, cryptocurrencies have often been mistrusted and discredited by critics due to their price volatility and fixed supply. In spite of these...
Steve Wozniak joins board of blockchain-tapping ATM startup6 Mai 2015 | Fintech Actus
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has joined the board of a new fintech firm promising to use the
to overhaul the ATM market. Los Angeles-based Planet Capital claims to have built the "most versatile and user friendly ATM" on the market. It taps the , cloud and unnamed...
Blockchain: Robocoin Debuts Romit Remittance Software5 Mai 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
When Robocoin invented the world’s first Bitcoin ATM In October 2013, the company believed that
technology would transform the remittance market. To that end, today the company is introducing Romit: the cheapest and fastest money-transfer in the world. The new application can run on a...
Blockchain Summit: Richard Branson to Host Bitcoin Summit on Private Island4 Mai 2015 | Conférences | DeFi, Blockchain, ICO
Billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson is set to bring "the greatest minds in cryptocurrency" together to discuss bitcoin and the
on his personal private island this May. Taking place on Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands from the 25th to 28th, Branson's event will feature...
Blockchain, le système sur lequel est basée la monnaie connaît un intérêt croissant du secteur financier4 Mai 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
The Blockchain is Forever24 Avril 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Marc Andreessen has compared the current state of Bitcoin to the state of the internet in 1993. The comparison makes sense if you consider that Bitcoin, a protocol that is slowly taking over the world, and for which the
was built, is just one of many possible protocols that it’s...
Samsung Pursues Blockchain Technology Research for Future Applications24 Avril 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Samsung is the latest company to join bitcoin’s
development race. The global tech giant expressed its interest in using the technology for a wide range of applications that go beyond currency and finance. “The technology is very interesting in general, and it can be applied in...
Innovations in payment technologies and the emergence of digital currencies23 Avril 2015 | Corporate Finance Opinions
Blockchain : la future techno au service des entreprises (partie 2)17 Avril 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
Etablir des liens plus forts et plus rapides au niveau mondial : l'impact du potentiel de la
. Échanger des fonds à l'échelle internationale peut s’avérer un processus lourd, surtout si il y a des échanges de devises et des systèmes qui impliquent des établissements bancaires locaux....
Infosys Explores Blockchain Technology17 Avril 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
Exploring the potential of
technology is just one of the moves the Infosys banking unit is making, to turn around years of shrinking profits. In 2012, Finacle was estimated to be worth $314 million USD, today the 6,000 person company has an estimated value of $300 million. According to...
Orange s’intéresse spécifiquement à la blockchain15 Avril 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
En soi, c’est principalement la technologie qui permet d’enregistrer les transactions entre individus (la chaîne de blocs ou
) qui intéresse l’opérateur téléphonique français. Selon lui, la permettrait de gérer des flux financiers à trader les pays de manière peu coûteuse....
Blockchain : la future techno au service des entreprises (partie 1)15 Avril 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Opinions
BTCGaw is Paying 11% more for bitcoins than Blockchain official rate.14 Avril 2015 | DeFi, Blockchain Actus
BTCGaw Inc. ( ) is the freshest company on the cryptocurrency market, exposing a highly competitive deal for Bitcoin sellers. The Delaware-based Bitcoin trader offers 11% more that
's official rate for Bitcoin sellers all over the world. The company's goal is to achieve as...
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