Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Opinions

Cadre comptable des ICO | Autorité des Normes Comptables - 5 déc. 2018 - 6 Décembre 2018

Comment qualifier comptablement les jetons et les transactions en cryptomonnaies ? L’Autorité des Normes Comptables (ANC) publie un règlement qui définit le cadre comptable des ICO. Sur fond de Loi...

Legacy Finance, Big Tech and Government move into Blockchain - 3 Décembre 2018

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. Bitcoin and every cryptocurrency has dropped like a sack of potatoes, hitting lows they haven't seen in over a year. The Bitcoin Cash fork war, the U.S. Justice Department...

7 mega waves in the Blockchain Economy and the dams holding them back - 29 Novembre 2018

by Bernard Lunn. This post is aimed at “buidlers", to those in the Blockchain community who use a Bear Market to build solutions and to those who invest in those solution builders. You can take these...

Silvergate Bank Plans to go Public - 27 Novembre 2018

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. Twenty-four years go, Netscape released the first free web browser, giving consumers an easy way to access the Internet. But, Netscape did more than just revolutionize our...

The blockchain-crypto industry is booming! - 26 Novembre 2018

In the past few weeks, we have been hearing a lot about a decline of interest in this technologies. Well, that is not the reality and not what we noticed on the spot. The last few weeks, Chaineum...

L'industrie blockchain-crypto en plein essor ! - 26 Novembre 2018

Au cours des dernières semaines, nous avons beaucoup entendu parler du déclin de l'intérêt pour ces technologies. Et bien ceci ne correspond pas à la réalité et à ce que nous avons observé sur le...

Could Blockchain help the dysfunctional crop insurance sector in India? - 26 Novembre 2018

by Arunkumar Krishnakumar. At the Singapore Fintech Festival last week, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, delivered an amazing key note speech with Financial Inclusion at its core. During the...

Bitcoin Bulls & Bears have a very noisy party & bring back that famous volatility - 22 Novembre 2018

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. This has been a rough week for the entire cryptocurrency market. A few days ago, Bitcoin hit its lowest this year, dropping as low as $5,244, before bouncing back to the $5,500...

The rise of Tokenized assets – the bridge between the old and the new capital markets - 20 Novembre 2018

by Arunkumar Krishnakumar. Most people in Blockchain whom I talk to, feel tokenizing real world assets is an amazing concept with huge potential. I have often thought that the real difference that...

Loi PACTE : un premier pas pour le développement de l’écosystème Blockchain français - 15 Novembre 2018

Par Sébastien Bourguignon, directeur conseil et influenceur digital chez Margo. Voté en première lecture à l’Assemblée nationale le mois dernier, le « Plan d’action pour la croissance et la...
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