Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

aelf Blockchain Will Launch Mainnet on 10th December

On June 30, 2018, the aelf testnet was launched. The aelf team has been constantly improving and enriching the technology, aiming to provide users with a high-performance, user-friendly, and reliable large-scale commercial blockchain infrastructure.

Now, the aelf public testnet has achieved all the features required for the mainnet launch. That means the mainnet will be up and running soon.
The updated roadmap for aelf mainnet launch

aelf have updated the mainnet launch roadmap and announced their next major milestone is: launching the aelf mainnet on December 10!

The updated roadmap for aelf mainnet launch

Roadmap updates:

Phase I: Mainnet Security Monitoring
- Mainnet launch: the main chain and side chain will be launched step by step
- Gain access to mainstream exchanges
- Try out the mainnet features

Phase II: Mainnet Token Swap
- Unlock the mainnet token and enable the token transfer feature.
- Initiate token migration
- Cooperate with mainstream exchanges to swap tokens for token holders

Phase III: Node Election
- Host mainnet node election campaign.
- DApps go live in succession

Phase IV: Mainnet Improvement
- Replace all nodes with elected parties
- Election of the aelf DAO management committee.
- Host DApp development contest

Phase V: Mainnet Stabilization
- Achieve the auto-governance of the aelf ecosystem.

SOURCE aelf blockchain

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Jeudi 3 Décembre 2020