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Thomson Reuters 2012 State of Trademark Report Identifies United Kingdom and Turkey as Biggest Growth Leaders

Trademark output in China more than triples that of the United States.

Thomson CompuMark, a Thomson Reuters Intellectual Property & Science business and global leader in trademark searching and brand protection solutions, released its 2012 State of Trademarks report today. It tracks published trademark activity and identifies trends across the world's largest collection of trademark databases from186 countries and registrars using the Thomson Reuters SAEGIS® on SERION® online screening tool.

Key findings from the report include:
- United Kingdom and Turkey Show Strongest Growth among Top 10 Registrars: The United Kingdom and Turkey were the trademark offices with the largest percent increase in activity over the prior period, with jumps of 10 percent and 8 percent, respectively.
- China Leads Global Registrars: The Chinese trademark office published nearly 925,000 trademarks in 2012, more than triple the United States' total of 234,527. The activities of these two offices were followed by Brazil: 114,668, Turkey: 86,517, and France: 86,348, to round out the top five.
- China Makes a Fashion Statement: Italy may be labeled as the fashion capital of the world, but trademark statistics show that Class 25 (Clothing, Footwear, Headgear) is led by China (69%), the U.S. (15%), France (8%), Japan (4%) and Turkey (4%) – all of which outpaced Italy.
- Advertising & Business Management (Class 35) Tops the Charts: Across all international trademark classes, class 35: Advertising & Business Management was by far the most active with nearly 393,000 published trademarks across the 186 authorities studied.
- Little Change among Top 10 Registrars Publishing Trademarks: On a year-over-year basis, China, the United States, Brazil, Turkey, France, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom collectively showed a modest decline of 0.25 percent compared to the top ten countries from the prior period in total published trademarks (as of data from December 18, 2012).
- "In many ways, 2012 marked a great awakening in the trademark world, from pop culture icons trademarking baby names to the adoption of a new top level domain program in the U.S., to a major crackdown on counterfeiting in China," said Anne Olson, vice president, Market Development, Thomson CompuMark. "By continually tracking published trademark trends across regional trademark offices across the globe, we provide trademark professionals with insights they can use to maintain a competitive advantage in this constantly evolving landscape."

The data in this report was compiled using the Thomson Reuters SAEGIS on SERION online screening tool to identify published trademarks worldwide.

View the full Thomson Reuters report here: 2012 State of Trademark Report: A Global View of Trademark Activity:

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Jeudi 25 Avril 2013