Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Theta Capital Management launches Theta Blockchain Ventures III to capitalise on crypto bear-market

Theta Capital Management, the Amsterdam based specialist in hedge funds and crypto-native venture capital, has launched its third Theta Blockchain Ventures vehicle to invest in the core blockchain infrastructure at the earliest stages.

Theta Blockchain Ventures III is a continuation of Theta’s Fund of Funds programme investing in crypto-native VCs. The firm has deployed over $500m to date and has backed many leading companies and protocols from the earliest stages through its wide network of specialised VC firms.

John van Marle of Theta Capital, said, “We believe that blockchain technology has immense value over the long term, and that our diversified approach is particularly well-suited to the current market environment. While there is localised risk within the crypto ecosystem, now is the ideal time to build diversified exposure to this innovative and transformative technology across verticals.”

The investment thesis for Theta Blockchain Ventures is that the digital infrastructure that crypto protocols provide are quickly becoming the financial backbone of an ever more digital world. The technology continued to progress rapidly throughout 2022 and into 2023 and continues to solve its early bottlenecks. It has come to an inflection point where it is now ready to start onboarding hundreds of millions of users. Already, these crypto protocols are supporting trillions of dollars of economic activity.

“There has been a clear decoupling between technological progress and increased adoption on the one hand and investor sentiment on the other. The poor macro backdrop and the actions of several bad actors has contributed to this low in sentiment. For us, it provides an opportunity to further establish our footprint in this industry at a highly opportune time,” says Van Marle.

About Theta Capital
Founded in 2001, Theta Capital Management is a leading specialist in alternative strategies. Theta Capital Management has been among the earliest and largest institutional investors globally to invest in blockchain technology. Its domain expertise has made it the preferred partner of many crypto-native VCs as well as underlying crypto projects.
Theta Blockchain Ventures III is a 10 year venture capital fund dedicated to seed stage VC investments in blockchain technology. Through its series of blockchain venture funds, Theta has been capturing exposure to over 80% of the leading crypto projects, all from an early stage. The final close for Theta Blockchain Ventures III is planned for March 31st.

Mardi 31 Janvier 2023