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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

The Bank of New York Mellon célèbre sa troisième année de présence en Inde

The Bank of New York Mellon, leader mondial de gestion d’actifs et conservation de titres, a célébré cette semaine sa troisième année de présence à Pune, en Inde.

Mellon India Private Limited, une filiale dont The Bank of New York Mellon est l’unique actionnaire, a été implantée à Pune comme centre d’opérations « captives » en décembre 2004 pour fournir des services de premier rang au niveau mondial à des sociétés internationales.

communiqué complet en anglais :

The Bank of New York Mellon celebrates third anniversary in Pune, India

The Bank of New York Mellon, a global leader in asset management and securities servicing, this week celebrated its third anniversary in Pune, India.

Mellon India Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, was established in Pune as a “captive” operations centre in December 2004, to provide world class support and services to the company’s global businesses.

Following two years of rapid growth, Mellon India now employs over 670 well-trained permanent staff (at November 2007) performing a wide-range of financial services processes for The Bank of New York Mellon’s asset servicing, asset management, wealth management and other global businesses. All employees are based in Magarpatta City, Pune, giving the company a significant presence in one of the world’s most rapidly growing market areas. The Bank of New York Mellon expects its Pune operations to expand to employ more than 1,200 staff by the end of 2008.

Seventeen senior managers from The Bank of New York Mellon flew in to Pune this week to join Mellon India employees in the anniversary celebrations. Addressing all employees at a major company event in Pune on Tuesday evening, Sheena Wilson, CEO of Mellon India, said: “Tonight, not only are we celebrating our third anniversary in Pune, we are celebrating the success of our company in India over the last three years. This success has only been possible thanks to the commitment and incredible enthusiasm of everybody in this room. We are extremely proud to be part of this community and we are honoured to have such an excellent team of people working for us. We look forward to creating career opportunities for many more people in Pune in 2008 and beyond.”

The Bank of New York Company, Inc. and Mellon Financial Corporation completed their merger on 1 July 2007 to create The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. The company ranks as one of the largest global asset managers with more than $1.1 trillion in assets under management and is the world’s leading asset servicer with more than $20 trillion in assets under custody and administration.

Lundi 10 Décembre 2007