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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Temenos: Halyk Bank implémente logiciel T24 pour ses opérations de trésorerie

La banque du Kazakhstan Halyl Bank démarre aujourd'hui le logiciel Temenos T24.

L'institut, une des plus grandes banques du Kazakhstan, pourra ainsi gérer ses propres opérations de trésorerie, a indiqué mardi le concepteur genevois de logiciels bancaires.

Cette installation représente la première étape d'un projet de centralisation, au cours duquel T24 va être introduit dans les 720 filiales de la banque.

Communiqué original (anglais) :

Halyk Bank goes live on T24 to support its treasury operations in centralisation initiative

Temenos (SWX: TEMN), the provider of integrated core banking systems, today announced that Halyk Bank, one of the largest banks in Kazakhstan, has gone live on TEMENOS T24 (T24) to support its treasury operations.

The successful implementation forms the first stage of a centralisation project being undertaken by the bank to roll out T24 across all of its 720 branches in Kazakhstan and subsidiaries in Georgia and Russia. The bank is currently implementing the second phase of T24 to support and integrate its retail operations, which will service approximately six million customers to aid its international growth plans.

The bank selected T24 against competing solutions from Misys, SAP, Infosys, i-Flex and FNS on the strength of its pre-configured products and best practice processes. T24 replaced an in-house legacy system by Colvir, which had been in place for almost a decade. Using T24, Halyk can maximise the process workflow capability and rich functionality of the software to automate a range of back-office treasury functions, including securities, transactions, interbank loans and deposits on an advanced, modern platform for improved operational and financial efficiency.

Dr. Askar Kussainov, Deputy Chairman, Halyk Bank, says: “This has been a great start to our overall implementation of T24. When selecting a core banking provider, it was important for us to work with a globally recognised supplier that could sufficiently support large scale operations such as ours. We are already experiencing the benefits of T24’s flexibility and breadth of functionality across our treasury division; we look forward to rolling this out across our global retail business to drive our growth plans across Russia and into China.”

The Temenos Professional Services Team implemented the first phase of T24, which includes Forex, Money Market and Securities functionality on IBM servers with an Oracle database. The system also integrates with a SWIFT Alliance interface. The second implementation phase is expected to go live in Q3 2009.

Andreas Andreades, CEO, Temenos, adds: “We are delighted to be working with Halyk Bank to support its treasury operations and international growth plans in the retail banking sector. As we move into 2009, there will be an increased focused on retail expansion as a sustainable funding strategy during the uncertain times that lie ahead. To achieve this, banks will need to invest in scalable, modern core banking support for improved performance in customer service and retention at a reduced cost of ownership.”

About Temenos T24
T24 Model Bank is packaged core banking software that provides banks with unparalleled richness in functionality on an integrated, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with support from front to back office. T24 Model Bank includes pre-configured, industry best practices for each banking sector, enabling banks to optimise operations and processes while remaining agile, flexible and responsive to business change. Its highly automated implementation approach delivers short implementations with a rapid and measurable return on investment. Fully integrated CRM and business intelligence capabilities provide a high degree of customer intimacy and a clear and deep understanding of the enterprise including its risk and performance. Its scalability, as underlined by recently reported Temenos/IBM performance tests, means T24 is capable of servicing of banks ranging from small to up to 25million accounts.

In addition to its comprehensive SOA architecture, T24 incorporates modern technology and is fully enabled for standard SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) web services, and BPEL process execution. T24 is compliant with industry leading ESBs (Enterprise Service Buses) and can be deployed on fully scalable, multi-server n-tier architecture. It provides a full front-to-back solution from electronic delivery channels such as mobile devices and internet banking right through to settlement, general ledger and other back office functions. This is delivered in a fully integrated, reliable and cost effective environment. Temenos’ total commitment to open standards enables its customers to benefit from the latest advances in technology ensuring business agility, continuity, data integrity and reduced downtime delivering a significant, immediate and ongoing return on investment.

About Halyk Bank
Halyk Bank is one of Kazakhstan’s leading financial services groups and a leading retail bank with the largest customer base and distribution network among Kazakh banks. The Bank is developing as a universal financial group offering a broad range of services (banking, pensions, insurance, leasing, brokerage and asset management) to its retail, small and medium enterprise and corporate customers, seeking further expansion of its international operations in Russia, Georgia, Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan. The Bank is rated by the three main rating agencies: Moody’s Investor Service (Ba1), Fitch Ratings (BB) and Standard&Poor’s (BB+).
- In January 2008 the Bank was recognised as “A Leading Bank in Corporate Governance in Emerging Europe” in a corporate governance survey conducted by Euromoney of 146 companies.
- In May 2008 the Bank won two awards at The Seventh Asian Banker Excellence Awards in Retail Financial Services: Best Retail Bank in Kazakhstan 2007 and Best Retail Bank in Central Asia 2007.
- In July 2008 the Bank was named as “The Best Bank in Kazakhstan” in the Awards for Excellence 2008 by Euromoney.
- In November 2008 the Bank was named as “The Bank of the Year in Kazakhstan” by The Banker.

About Temenos
Founded in 1993 and listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange (SWX: TEMN), Temenos Group AG is a global provider of banking software systems in the Retail, Corporate & Correspondent, Universal, Private, Islamic and Microfinance & Community banking markets. Headquartered in Geneva with 44 offices worldwide, Temenos serves over 600 customers in more than 120 countries.
Temenos’ software products provide advanced technology and rich functionality, incorporating best practice processes that leverage Temenos’ experience in over 600 implementations around the globe. Temenos’ advanced and automated implementation approach, provided by its strong Client Services organisation, ensures efficient and low-risk core banking platform migrations.
Temenos annually invests around 20% in R&D, significantly more than its peers, into a single fully packaged upgradeable software release, which ensures all Temenos customers benefit from modern technology and support indefinitely.
Temenos is top of the IBS Sales League Table 2008, winner of the Best Core Banking Product category in Banking Technology magazine’s Readers’ Choice Awards 2008, winner of the Financial-i Leaders in Innovation award for the most innovative core banking systems solution 2008 and is listed in the American Banker top 100 FinTech companies.

Jeudi 18 Décembre 2008