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Strongest annual start for ECM since 2007: Investment Banking Scorecard from Thomson Reuters – 14 March 2014

The Investment Banking Scorecard from Thomson Reuters gives you the ‘Fast Facts’ of the week in Investment Banking, as well as taking a closer look at trends in deal making, with league table movements and regional activity in M&A, capital markets and syndicated loans also included.

Please click below for this week’s Investment Banking Scorecard – and get in touch if you would like any specific data.

· MORGAN STANLEY holds the top spot for worldwide merger advisory, up from sixth place a year ago
· With a decline of 4.2 market share points, CITI falls from second to eighth in global ECM underwriting
· JP MORGAN leads global debt rankings despite a decline of 1.2 market share points this year
· Competing bids for FRANCE'S SFR pushes M&A activity in the country to $52.0 billion
· Global DCM activity totals $1.3 trillion, down 5% compared to YTD 2013
· Ninety-four Asia Pacific IPOs have gone public this year, up 74% from 2013 (54)

• Equity capital markets activity from European companies totals $44.5 billion this year, a 38% increase compared to last year at this time and the strongest annual start for European ECM since 2007. The United Kingdom, Germany and Spain account for 40% of this year's activity, up from 28% during year-to-date 2013. Goldman Sachs, which led a $2.5 billion accelerated offering of shares in Adecco Mgmt & Consulting, leads European ECM so far this year with 17.9% market share
• Japan Display's $3.2 billion initial public offering ranks as the largest global IPO so far this year and the largest offering in Japan since June 2013 when Suntory Beverage and Food raised $4.0 billion. Overall Japan ECM activity totals $12.5 billion, down 24% compared to last year, while Japan IPO activity totals $4.7 billion, more than double levels seen during year-to-date 2013
• Energy XXI's offer for EPL Oil & Gas adds $2.2 billion to the volume of worldwide energy & power M&A for year-to-date 2014, a 6% decline compared to a year ago and the slowest period for deal making in the sector since 2005 ($39.0 billion)
• The $1.5 billion initial public offering from Denmark's ISS A/S is the third European company this year to raise over $1 billion, bringing European IPO activity to $12.0 billion, more than triple a year ago
• This week's $8.5 billion corporate bond offering from Brazil's Petrobras Global Finance pushed BRIC Investment Grade corporate debt issuance to $57.2 billion for year-to-date 2014, down 40% compared to a year ago. Chinese companies account for 46% of year-to-date activity, down from 63% last year while Brazil accounts for 30% of year-to-date volume, more than triple last year's tally

Thomson Reuters

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Mardi 25 Mars 2014