Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Stobox signed an MoU with Blockstream!

Stobox is thrilled to announce a collaboration with one of the biggest blockchain companies, Blockstream, which developed a layer-2 network Liquid and Сore Lighting for Bitcoin, and was created by Dr. Adam Back, mentioned in the Bitcoin Whitepaper.

Stobox, an award-winning company, a Top-5 tokenization provider worldwide. Company’s products include an advanced tokenization platform for primary issuance and management of digital securities, Stobox DS Dashboard, and Stobox DS Swap – the first Decentralized Exchange (DEX) in the world optimized for security tokens. Today, Stobox announces collaboration with one of the most recognized companies in the blockchain industry.

Blockstream, founded in 2014, has been the leading provider of blockchain technologies and has remained at the forefront of work in cryptography and distributed systems. Blockstream developed highly popular networks Liquid and Сore Lightning, for the Bitcoin blockchain. To date, Liquid has amassed more than $1.4 billion in network value and remains foundational to Bitcoin's growth and adoption.

The main goal of the collaboration is to integrate Blockstream solutions into the Stobox products to provide tokenization opportunities to a wide mass of Stobox audiences and businesses using the Bitcoin blockchain. Bitcoin is the most decentralized and secure infrastructure, integrating it into Stobox products opens huge opportunities to onboard high-quality enterprise clients. Along with the crash of big crypto companies, the security tokens industry has experienced extensive attention from common businesses and investors, with an opportunity to participate in a regulated market backed by real assets built on blockchain rails.

Together with Blockstream, Stobox realizes a long-term vision of issuing security tokens on the most resilient blockchain of Bitcoin and Blockstream products to drive the financial industry.

Stobox Blog | Tokenization © 2023


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Jeudi 23 Février 2023