Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

QRC Sponsors PAS 19668 Security Token Specification with BSI

The QRC Group (QRC) announces publication of the world's first Security Token Specification, independently facilitated and published by BSI, the UK National Standards Body.

"PAS 19668" provides for the technical specification and cross-blockchain publication of security tokens, covering tokens issued on any distributed ledger system. This PAS (Publicly Available Specification) takes effect from 31 December, 2020.

In the absence of an industry-wide standard, security token information has been organized and presented in various formats and different locations, making access highly inefficient and increasingly complex for investors and active market participants. PAS 19668 is an effort to fill that gap by specifying how information and properties relating to security tokens should be structured and presented.

PAS 19668 is for use by international security token issuers. It is also a reference for security token holders, security token exchanges and custodians, investors in security tokens and auditors checking conformity, and any third parties that provide services to issuers of security tokens. PAS 19668 does not cover utility tokens or unregulated tokens.

"PAS 19668:2020: Publication requirements for security tokens - Specification" is available here:

PAS 19668 has been independently facilitated by BSI following consensus by a steering group of experts from various industries including digital asset exchanges, traditional financial exchanges, issuance platforms and academia.

Shogo-Ishida, CEO of QRC Group, sponsor of the PAS, said: "We are very pleased to announce PAS 19668. With BSI standardizing security token technology, and with a specification draft, we take a great step forward in legitimizing security token offerings and STO fundraising. Standardization will consolidate technology innovation and best practices from disparate STO platforms, and accelerate STO market growth.

"Issuers trust BSI-standard technology. This trust will lead to greater confidence in technology providers and token distributors, and drive adoption of STO fundraising activity," continued Ishida. "As digitization continues in many industries, PAS 19668 will encourage further efforts to digitize securities backed by blockchain technology. We hope that people will welcome the standard, and issue security tokens more securely and conveniently."

Alexandre Kech, CEO, Onchain Custodian, Convenor ISO TC68/SC8/WG3 Digital Token Identifier: "Standards are critical for the maturing of any new industry. PAS 19668, which already leverages the ISO 10962 Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI) standard, will be powerful when used in combination with the ISO 24165 Digital Token Identifier expected to be finalised and available for us in 2021."

Thomas Borrel, CPO, Polymath: "Mass adoption of security tokens can only happen through standardization. ERC1400 established the standard for security tokens and PAS19668 will materially contribute to transparency through simplified access to information and attributes of each token. PAS19668 reliance on existing and upcoming ISO standards will ensure consistency across all assets, traditional and digital."

Luc Falempin, CEO, Tokeny Solutions: "Blockchain technologies represent a great opportunity to use a common IT infrastructure for the world of finance. It is therefore essential to facilitate the interoperability of solutions and to formalize the data. We are delighted with this initiative as we can now complete the institutional-grade security token protocol T-REX with the PAS19668 specification model."

Jor Law, Director, Prime Trust and consultant to several key players in the STO ecosystem: "Having a standardized method of identifying security tokens globally promulgated by the BSI is important for the evolution of STOs and increased adoption. With a uniform method to digest security tokens, data flow and transaction handling can improve to allow greater interoperability across geographic regions and more seamless interaction between the different participants that comprise a healthy capital markets system."

BSI Steering Group is composed of representatives from 1st Idea Limited, Bank Frick, BC Group, BitGo, Blockstream, BnkToTheFuture, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP, CryptoCompare, DeversiFi, DSTOQ, London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), Onchain Custodian, Polymath, Prime Trust, QRC Group, Singapore Management University (SMU), Tokenomica, Tokeny Solutions.

PAS19668 Technical Author: Adam Vaziri.
BSI Announcement:
QRC Announcement:

QRC Group (QRC) is a RegTech and blockchain advisory firm providing technical solutions for the deployment of digital securities in conformity with international standards, including PAS19688. HK-based QRC has related company offices in Tokyo, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Vietnam.

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Lundi 21 Décembre 2020