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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Prepare for Personal Success in 2015

Here are five ideas that I recently shared with Executives in my Advisory program on how to prepare for personal success in 2015.

Shawn Casemore
Shawn Casemore
1. Become comfortable with the uncomfortable. During annual planning be sure to set several stretch goals – a goal that seems beyond reach and causes discomfort. It’s through taking actions that cause discomfort that we find the road to success grow as an individual.

2. Forget writing down your goals – tell others about them. The more you tell yourself something, the more likely it is to occur. By verbalizing goals we become comfortable with their attainment. Moreover it is through communicating our goals to others that we create subconscious commitment. When was the last time you wanted to admit to someone that you didn’t achieve what you intended?

3. Reflection must be intentional. It’s not difficult to set goals and even achieve them if we take consistent action. We can however increase the speed by which we achieve our goals if we take time along the way to reflect on our progress – what actions are working and what else should you be doing. Be intentional about your time commitments to reflecting on your progress and you will find success comes quickly.

4. Prepare for success. A pessimist would expect the worst possible outcomes whereas an optimist would prepare only for the best possible outcome. The reality however is likely to land somewhere in between these two extremes. By reflecting on the best and worst possible outcomes of pursuing a goal you are best prepared to tackle any obstacles that arise while celebrating successes you achieve.

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Stay tuned as I share more ideas on how to make the coming year your most successful year ever!

Les médias du groupe Finyear

Jeudi 8 Janvier 2015