Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Minima and stacuity Announce Partnership to Propel a Blockchain Powered Revolution in IoT Connectivity

Blockchain and IoT connectivity leaders, Minima and stacuity are teaming up to revolutionise IoT installations across multiple industries. The partnership will integrate Minima's decentralised blockchain capabilities with stacuity's programmable core mobile network and SIM cards, providing an exciting set of tools for IoT customers.

This collaboration between Minima and stacuity is set to democratise access to mobile connectivity by combining their powerful and complementary technology, making it easier for telecom operators, service providers, and IoT solution developers to innovate at the intersection of blockchain and IoT.

The partnership will provide IoT customers with the tools they need to enhance their IoT installations across numerous industries, including smart buildings, energy, automotive, health, logistics, and water.

By combining the strengths of their respective networks, Minima and stacuity are opening up new possibilities for IoT connectivity, security, identity, and decentralisation. This partnership has the potential to accelerate innovation in the IoT market by making these technologies more accessible and user-friendly.

"We are excited to partner with stacuity to offer a powerful set of tools for industrial IoT installations in a secure decentralised manner,” said Hugo Feiler, CEO of Minima. “By integrating Minima's blockchain technology with stacuity's programmable core mobile network, we can offer telecom operators secure data handling and users a simple SIM-based product."

"This partnership has the potential to democratise access to two powerful and complementary sets of technology," says Mike Bromwich, stacuity's founder and a telecom industry veteran. "We are excited by this partnership to accelerate innovation in the IoT market and offer our customers the tools they need to succeed in the IoT industry."

Working together, the two companies have the potential to change the way IoT devices are connected and managed, allowing IoT customers to innovate more easily and quickly.

Minima and stacuity will be attending the upcoming Mobile World Congress in Barcelona from February 27 to March 2.

About Minima
Minima has created a next generation blockchain platform which is a completely decentralised mobile-first protocol for blockchain transactions. By creating a network that is owned, run, and secured by its users, the platform that allows users to be completely autonomous, while still ensuring that they remain fully accountable.Minima is partnering with international companies to develop solutions for digital identity management, tokenisation, messaging and payments in the automotive, media and IoT industries.

About stacuity
stacuity has developed a unique programmable core mobile network for IoT devices, which enables IoT customers to connect and secure IoT devices with unparalleled flexibility.


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Jeudi 23 Février 2023