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Mid-Market & Small-Cap M&A Financial Reviews Q4 2012: Thomson Reuters

Please find below Thomson Reuters Mid-Market and Small-Cap M&A Reviews for Q4 2012 containing league table rankings on global, regional and single country levels.

Mid-Market & Small-Cap M&A Financial Reviews Q4 2012: Thomson Reuters

Click here for the Mid-Market M&A Review (for deals valued up to $500 million)

- Worldwide announced Mid-Market M&A deals valued up to $500 million (including undisclosed value deals) totaled US$729.2 billion in the full year 2012 – a 3% decrease from the full year 2011.
- Estimated global fees generated from completed Mid-Market M&A activity reached US$13.3 billion for the full year 2012, according to Thomson Reuters and Freeman Consulting.
- The Americas region (by target domicile) led the market, with US$289.1 billion of announced deal activity, a 39.2% market share, marginally bigger than the 39.7% market share produced for the full year 2012.
- The European region (by target domicile) led the market in number of deals announced, with 13,224 deals for the full year, or 35.3% of the 37,406 deals announced worldwide.
- The Real Estate sector comprised 15.7% of announced value, followed by Energy & Power and Financials, representing 13.9% and 11.6% of the total market, respectively
- KPMG topped the worldwide Mid-Market rankings with 338 deals.

Click here for the Small Cap M&A Review (for deals valued up to $50 million)

- Worldwide announced Small-Cap M&A deals valued up to $50 million (including undisclosed value deals) totaled US$127.1 billion in full year 2012 – a 5% decrease from full year 2011.
- Estimated global fees generated from completed Small-Cap M&A activity equaled US$5.7 billion for full year 2012, according to Thomson Reuters and Freeman Consulting.
- The Asia-Pacific region (by target domicile) led the Small-Cap market, with US$51.7 billion of announced deal activity, a 40.7% market share.
- The EMEA region (by target domicile) led the market in number of deals announced, with 13,456 deals for the year, 39.8% of the 33,809 deals announced worldwide.
- The Materials sector captured 14.5% of total announced Small-Cap value, followed by Industrials, which had a 12.7% share, and High technology at 11.5%.
- KPMG topped the worldwide Small-Cap rankings with 277 deals.

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Thomson Reuters

Mercredi 23 Janvier 2013