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Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - August 28, 12 (3rd update)

Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - August 28, 12.

Markets, Ratings, Statistics and Rates - August 28, 12 (3rd update)

MARKETS by ETX Capital and RATINGS by Thomson Reuters (

09:00 AM
European stocks are trading moderately lower this morning giving back a big chunk of yesterday’s gains on the back of the Japanese government lowering their assessment on the domestic economy being the latest economy increasingly suffering from the fall out of the European financial crisis and the sharper than expected slowdown in the China. Furthermore ECB member Asmussen dampened expectations that the ECB would indeed automatically buy periphery bonds once they reach a certain previously agreed yield level. German GFK consumer confidence figures came in slightly stronger than expected this morning remaining at elevated levels and showing little impact by the overall slowdown seen in the German economy. Main catalysts for the resilience of the German consumer are continuing low unemployment and higher wage increases not seen for several years. Overall equity markets are expected to remain range-bound for the first half the trading day today, mid morning focus will be on Italy auctioning off shorter term and inflation linked bonds with the main auction to follow on Thursday when 4 Billion Euros of 10 year bonds will be offered.

In the second half of the trading day focus in the USA will be on the release of the Consumer Confidence figures with little change expected compared to the previous month after having staged a surprise rebound in July. Today’s figures are marking the start to what many call a decisive week in regard to the implementation of further stimulus by the Fed for the US economy, followed tomorrow by the release of the Beige Book and Fed Chief Bernanke giving the opening speech for the Jackson Hole Economic policy symposium on Friday. Renewed deterioration on the side of the consumer will most likely strengthen the case that the Fed is likely to intervene into the economy rather soon than later.

Markus Huber - Head of German HNW Trading - ETX Capital -

10:30 AM
INDICES: sommet de court terme
Les indices européens et américains ont rebondi jusqu'à proximité de leurs précédents sommets. Cela représente une opportunité évidente de vente à découvert...

DayByDay analyst team.


Turnover of Euro 42.3 billion in climate protection goods in 2010
28 August 2012

The establishments of the industry and service sectors in Germany achieved a turnover of about Euro 42.3 billion in 2010 with goods for climate protection. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that, at nearly 70%, turnover in climate protection goods made up the largest proportion of the total turnover in goods and services for environmental protection (Euro 61.2 billion). The results were drawn from a survey which collected information on the turnover achieved with goods, construction operations and services for environmental protection from about 8,900 establishments in Germany.

Industrial Profits Decreased from January to July
National Bureau of Statistics of China 2012-08-27 15:41:48

From January to July, the industrial profits of enterprises above designated size achieved 2,678.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 2.7 percent. In July, the industrial profits of enterprises above designated size achieved 366.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.4 percent.

From January to July, the profits of state-owned and state-holding industrial enterprises above designated size gained 784.7 billion yuan, decreased 12.2 percent, that of collective-owned enterprises reached 42.6 billion yuan, increased 7.8 percent, that of joint-stock enterprises stood at 1,568.2 billion yuan, decreased 1.2 percent, that of foreign funded enterprises, and enterprises funded from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan achieved 609.0 billion yuan, decreased 12.6 percent, and that of private enterprises gained 818.7 billion yuan, increased 15.5 percent, year-on-year.

Within 41 divisions of industrial sector, the profits of 25 industrial divisions increased year-on-year, that of 15 declined, and that of 1 turned to get net loss from profits, year-on-year. Of which, the profits of agro-food processing industry rose by 16.6 percent, that of the manufacture of automobile industry increased 10.2 percent, that of manufacturing of electrical machinery and equipment increased 1.0 percent, that of production and supply of electric power and heat power expanded 29.3 percent, that of petroleum and natural gas extraction industry decreased 2.1 percent, that of raw chemical materials and chemical products went down by 21.3 percent, that of ferrous metal mining and processing decreased 60.8 percent, that of manufacturing of general equipment declined 0.9 percent, that of communication equipment, computers and other electric equipment production went down by 1.6 percent, that of processing of petroleum, coking, processing of nuclear fuel turned to get net loss from profits over the same period of previous year.

The revenue from principal business of enterprises above designated reached 49,989.1 billion yuan, ballooned 10.6 percent, year-on-year. The cost of main business revenue for per hundred yuan stood at 85.41 yuan, with the margin hit 5.36 percent.

Financement des micro-entreprises - France - Juin 2012
Mis en ligne le 24/08/2012

Les encours de crédit aux TPE augmentent en un an de 2,7%
À fin juin 2012, l’encours des crédits accordés aux micro-entreprises (TPE) s’élève à 212,6 milliards d’euros, soit une augmentation de 2,7 % par rapport à fin juin 2011.

Enquête sur les investissements dans l’industrie – Juillet 2012
Mis en ligne le 24/08/2012

En 2012, selon les chefs d’entreprise, l’investissement dans l’industrie manufacturière augmenterait de 5 % par rapport à 2011
Interrogés en juillet 2012, les chefs d’entreprise de l’industrie manufacturière indiquent que leurs investissements ont augmenté de 12 % en 2011 par rapport à 2010. Pour 2012, les chefs d’entreprise prévoient toujours un investissement dynamique.

Le baromètre de l'emploi au 2e trimestre 2012
Mis en ligne le 28/08/2012

Les indicateurs du baromètre de l'emploi publiés chaque trimestre par l'Office fédéral de la statistique (OFS) décrivent, au 2e trimestre 2012, une croissance soutenue de l'emploi aussi bien dans le secteur secondaire que dans le tertiaire. Globalement, les entreprises déclarent vouloir continuer à engager lors du 3e trimestre de cette année. Cependant, le nombre de places vacantes est en recul par rapport au même trimestre de l'année précédente et les difficultés des entreprises à trouver de la main d'œuvre qualifiée diminuent très légèrement.

Selon la statistique de l’emploi (STATEM), la Suisse compte 4,072 millions d’emplois au 2e trimestre 2012, soit une augmentation de 1,2% sur un an. L’emploi progresse de 13'000 unités (+1,2%) dans le secteur secondaire et de 35'000 (+1,2%) dans le tertiaire. Exprimé en équivalents plein temps, le volume de l’emploi se situe à 3,456 millions (+1,3%), soit une augmentation de 13'000 dans le secteur secondaire (+1,3%) et de 32'000 dans le tertiaire (+1,3%). Les valeurs désaisonnalisées indiquent quant à elles une légère progression de l’emploi (+0,4%) par rapport au trimestre précédent. Malgré une faible baisse de l’indicateur des prévisions d’évolution de l’emploi en comparaison annuelle (1,04 ; -2,1%), les entreprises prévoient toutefois de renforcer encore légèrement leur personnel lors du trimestre à venir. Le nombre de places vacantes (-8500 ; -15%), ainsi que les difficultés des entreprises à recruter du personnel qualifié (32% ; -0,8%) sont également en baisse.

Mardi 28 Août 2012