Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Lithuania Shows Serious Intentions in Blockchain Innovation

Lithuania has shown interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology recently.

In April, the country will hold a Bitcoin conference inviting innovators and developers to join them for this event.

Additionally, a report covered by the Baltic-Review has detailed the opinion of the Vice-Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania, Marius Skarupskas, who apparently likes this new technology.

Skarupskas considers blockchain technology to be “financial innovation” and he doesn’t want his region to miss out. The Vice-Minister explains: “Lithuania and Vilnius have serious intentions to invest into breakthrough in this area and to become a leader on the regional and global scale.”

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Lundi 11 Janvier 2016

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