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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Leading Decentralized Investment Banking Group - Coinstreet Partners, Awarded Asia Futurist Leadership Award

The Asia Futurist Leadership Award in the category of High Flyer Award - Outstanding Deal Originator In Asia was awarded to Coinstreet Partners by the Association of Family Offices in Asia, the Association of Private Bankers in Greater China and the Women In Leadership Association at the Asia Futurist Leadership Summit, held in Hong Kong during International Financial Week.

From left : Prof. Spencer Li - Independent Director of Coinstreet Partners, Ms. Eva Law - Founder and Chairman of the Association of Family Offices in Asia, Mr. Samson Lee - Founder and CEO of Coinstreet Partners, Mr. Chan Heng Fai - Chairman of Coinstreet Partners; at the Asia Futurist Leadership Award Gala. (PRNewsfoto/Coinstreet Partners)
From left : Prof. Spencer Li - Independent Director of Coinstreet Partners, Ms. Eva Law - Founder and Chairman of the Association of Family Offices in Asia, Mr. Samson Lee - Founder and CEO of Coinstreet Partners, Mr. Chan Heng Fai - Chairman of Coinstreet Partners; at the Asia Futurist Leadership Award Gala. (PRNewsfoto/Coinstreet Partners)

Asia Futurist Leadership Awards (AFLA) recognize family offices, family enterprises, industry professionals, private banks, institutions, funds and new ventures around the world that are creating a positive environment, promoting sustainability and making social impact, ultimately contributing to the creation of a better world.

The Association of Family Offices in Asia, principal organizer of AFLA, is a professional society that distinctively connects single, multi and virtual family offices as well as the industry societies in the region. It currently has more than 9000 institutional associates and hundreds of single and multi-family office members, with investment net worth typically over USD50 million.

"Digital assets are one of the transformative forces shaping the new face of the financial service industry and the economy as a whole. We would like to see more prudent players and regulation to ensure this development heads in the right direction," said Ms. Eva Law, Founder and Chairman of the Association of Family Offices in Asia. "We are very pleased to see Coinstreet Partners win this award and look forward to their continuous effort to make digital assets widely available, and bring value to investors and to economic development."

"Congratulations to Coinstreet for winning the Asia Futurist Leadership High Flyer Award, it recognizes them as an outstanding deal originator in Asia, and their vision to crossover Finance, Media and Technology is an exciting future trend,." said Ms. Mercedes Ho, Executive Director of Forbes Global Alliance, and the presenter of the award.

Coinstreet is a leading decentralized investment banking group and consultancy firm in the F.M.T. (Finance, Media & Tech) field, providing a business eco-system for the new era of digital economy. Coinstreet focuses on five business segments: Token Finance Consultancy, Digital Asset & Wealth Management, PR Media & Investor Relations, Digital Asset Tokenization & Trading Platform, and Decentralized Finance & DLT Solutions.

"The Association of Family Offices in Asia is a highly respectable organization in traditional investment communities," said Mr. Samson Lee, Founder and CEO of Coinstreet Partners. "We are very honored to be the recipient of the Asia Futurist Leadership Award. It represents a significant recognition of our efforts and vision of the convergence between the traditional financial eco-system and the digital assets system."

According to a survey from the World Economic Forum, around 10% of global GDP will be tokenized and stored on Blockchain by 2027. Coinstreet serves clients with tokenization needs ranging from stablecoins, real estate, financial services, technology, biotech, healthcare, telecommunications, energy, manufacturing, hotel, hospitality, lifestyle, gaming, media and entertainment sectors. Significant growth in the number of high-quality STO projects and global expansion of investor communities is expected, as adaption of this new corporate finance model gains popularity globally.

About Coinstreet Partners (Coinstreet)

Founded in 2017 and in collaboration with BMI Group, Coinstreet is an award-winning decentralized investment banking group and consultancy firm in the F.M.T. (Finance, Media & Tech) field, providing a business eco-system for the new era of digital economy. Coinstreet focuses on five business segments: Token Finance Consultancy, Digital Asset & Wealth Management, PR Media & Investor Relations, Digital Asset Tokenization & Trading Platform, and Decentralized Finance & DLT Solutions. For more information, please visit -

Coinstreet's group consists of members that cover both financial and technology sectors, including --

- BMI Coinstreet Digital (, a joint venture with BMI Group (a 25 years+ traditional international financial services group) for developing asset tokenization and STO market opportunities.
- THE STO LAB (, a global business alliance network and eco-system for sourcing and distributing high-quality STO projects in international markets.
- STO Global-X (, a technology company providing for marketplace solutions for end-to-end digital assets / security token life cycle management.
- DFINI (, a technology company providing for decentralized financial solutions for established institutions to adopt DTL, and for individuals around the world to engage with a restructured and more liberal financial systems.

SOURCE Coinstreet Partners


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Chaineum :
Chaineum est une banque d'affaires offrant une expertise de premier plan en matière de financement, levée de fonds, M&A, ICO et STO, avec une vision stratégique orientée tant vers le métier de ses clients que vers la technologie blockchain. A ce titre, Chaineum a participé à la mise en œuvre de bonnes pratiques dans le secteur (ICO Charter, Security Token Network).

About Chaineum:
Chaineum is a Independent Investment Bank with a strong expertise in funding, fundraising, M&A, ICO and STO, and a strategic focus on both its clients' business and blockchain technology. As such, Chaineum paved the way in the implementation of certain best practices in this sector (ICO Charter, Security Token Network).


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Vendredi 24 Janvier 2020

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