Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

La RSE et la crise financière

Intéressant, cet article de The Economist sur l'impact de la crise financière sur la RSE. L'article intitulé Stress Test for Good Intentions voit la crise comme un révélateur du véritable intérêt des entreprises pour la RSE.

Stéphane Rousseau
Stéphane Rousseau
As firms grapple with a brutal economic downturn, they are taking a long, hard look at the resources they devote to everything from supporting charities to making their activities carbon-neutral. That is hardly surprising: cutting back on CSR, or “sustainability” as it is sometimes known, would seem to be a quick and relatively painless way to save money. Cassandras who felt many CSR initiatives were little more than publicity stunts in the first place predicted that they would perish as soon as the economy fell off a cliff.

L'article recense des pratiques qui ont été abandonnées ou réduites, d'autres qui ont été préservées. Il fait valoir deux points importants :
1. La préservation des pratiques de RSE va de pair avec leur impact financier positif : Many firms really do seem to have found ways of making the world better while making money at the same time.
2. La RSE est un puissant mécanisme pour restaurer la confiance du public envers les entreprises : The financial crisis was triggered by a bout of corporate social irresponsibility on a massive scale that has tarnished the reputations of even the bluest of blue-chip companies. Now corporate leaders have a chance to show that they are not just motivated by short-termism after all.

Stéphane Rousseau
Professeur à la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Montréal et titulaire de la Chaire en droit des affaires et du commerce international

Dimanche 7 Juin 2009