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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Europe needs a good compass to sail through crisis

Director-General Pascal Lamy, in a speech to the Institute of International and European Affairs in Dublin, Ireland on 17 April 2013, said that “the best way to sail through the crisis is to use a good compass – the name of the European compass must be ‘confidence’... Confidence that Europe has the st rength to sail in an ever more globalized world”. This is what he said:

Pascal Lamy
Pascal Lamy
“Shifting Economic Landscape: a World in Need of a Compass”

Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning — Dia Dhíbh

I am glad to begin my visit to Ireland by coming to the Institute of International and European Affairs. The Institute is a remarkable centre for research and forward thinking on how to adress today's challenges. And frankly we are not short of them!

Let me begin by thanking Director General Dáithí O’Ceallaigh for his kind words of introduction.

In my address today, I would like to touch upon three issues:
- the tectonic transformations that we are witnessing in our economies and more specifically in trade

- the challenges this poses to policy makers

- and finally, how Ireland and Europe can sail in these turbulent waters.


Lisez la suite dans finyear magazine d'avril 2013

Vendredi 17 Mai 2013