Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

CryptoHound Reports Estonia Is Challenging Crypto Valley's Leadership

Estonia is catching up with Zug in the number of registered blockchain businesses.

A new research paper by ORS CryptoHound called 'How Estonia Became Home to 700+ Blockchain Companies' reveals that this small Nordic country has managed to attract as many blockchain businesses as did the Swiss city of Zug, also known as Crypto Valley.

Seeking to explain the country's success, the researchers of ORS Group have spoken to leading Estonian lawyers, software developers and corporate service providers, including NJORD Estonia, Comistar Estonia, Guardtime, Private Financial Services, Eesti Consulting, KRM Advisor and The experts agreed that the four pillars that have helped Estonia pave its way to success are the possibility to set up and run businesses online, 0% taxes on undistributed profits, the ease of obtaining a cryptocurrency license, and advanced anti-money laundering regulations.

The interviewed firms have also highlighted that AML regulations will continue to be central for the regulation of virtual currencies in Estonia in 2019. In particular, the Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit is now authorized to call crypto license applicants in for a face-to-face interview "to assure familiarity with the AML regulations and to encourage reporting cases of alleged money laundering or terrorist financing."

"By developing CryptoHound, we aim to establish universal trust in virtual currencies," said Fabrizio Fontana, Pre-Sales Manager at ORS Group. "We want to let every user track and analyze crypto transactions at an advanced level. Coupled with AML laws and well-developed technical infrastructure, such as the one in Estonia, this marks a huge leap towards a more transparent blockchain reality," he added.

CryptoHound is an intuitive, multi-blockchain platform for analyzing, investigating, and reporting on BTC, ETH, and ERC-20 token transactions with the help of Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Its functionality includes tracking the money flows for a specific address, visualizing the token portfolio, calculating the historic token values, generating bank-like statements, and more. Among its users, there are cryptocurrency traders, financial analysts, and compliance professionals.

SOURCE ORS CryptoHound

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Mardi 7 Mai 2019