Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Corporate Governance in Dynamics and Complex Environment

Du Chili où la Chaire se déplace pour participer au congrès de l'Association Henri Capitant, je vous informe qu'entre le 6 et le 9 novembre 2012 une conférence internationale à la Faculty of Economics de Skopje sur le thème suivant: "Corporate Governance in Dynamics and Complex Environment".

Ivan Tchotourian
Ivan Tchotourian
Pour information, l'organisateur vient de me préciser que : "(...) in this moment at the conference announce attendance guest speakers from the following list of 20 countries: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Macedonia, The Netherland’s, Poland, Serbia, Sweden, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, UK and USA".

Étant un des guest speakers invités par les organisateurs, je traiterais du sujet suivant : "Embrace the Changes in Corporate Governance Ahead: Lessons from Current Developments in Corporate Law – A Comparative View".

Voici le résumé de mon papier :

The worldwide financial crisis that was unleashed in 2007-2008 occurred at a time of many challenges in the transformation of the economic and social system. As this protean crisis showed, a new reflection in the field of corporate governance is necessary. The shareholder primacy and the focus on the sole shareholders in the traditional view of companies and banks’ corporate governance lead to the difficult situation of numerous developed countries.

In fact, all of the companies and the banks have one thing in common: the rules of corporate governance (did) do not work. What are the reasons? Each International and National organization, government, public or private authority tries to provide “the” solution. In this field, a strong trend in the regulatory approach is clearly pro-shareholder. One of the most discussed solutions by experts and numerous of academics is currently to reinforce the power of shareholders in the corporate governance of corporations.

This proposition has, without any doubt, positive aspects. Nevertheless, our paper demonstrates that limiting the reflection to the shareholders is inadequate and risky. In our point of view, the time is ripe to study the foundations corporate governance in detail. An evident question remains: do the intellectual basements of the contemporary corporate governance is relevant? Since a certain capitalist model, namely, that centred on a free-market perspective believing in the strength and virtue of the self-regulated financial market that gives law only a residual role to play, is unable to ensure social development, it is relevant to present certain recent cases law from different legal countries tradition: civil law or common law.

These cases demonstrate that the economic system can better take into account the ethical ideals of the future that human communities demand we respect. How can a responsible approach be established through the law when the currently accepted corporate governance model seems to reject any notion of the good of society?

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Ivan Tchotourian
Maître de conférences à l'Université de Nantes
Chercheur associé à la Chaire en droit des affaires et du commerce international (Canada)

Vendredi 15 Juin 2012