Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Copper chosen by SWARM as preferred digital custodian

SWARM, an infrastructure provider for the issuance and trading of digital assets, has selected award-winning Copper as its preferred digital custodian. The integration of Copper’s solution will provide the institutional grade security fundamental to the mass market trading of digital securities.

Copper’s technology will secure assets held or managed as well as delivering settlement services through APIs, which trigger subsequent processes for the SWARM (SWM) that are wrapped to be invested into for investment opportunities on the SWARM platform.

Copper already provides custody for multiple crypto funds and investors operating a full range of investment strategies. The company also plans on providing custody for fiat in the future.

Copper has recently improved the security protocols of its custodial service further by adding military grade optical air-gapping. This enhancement ensures the complete security of an offline repository of asset owners’ sharded keys during the transaction signing process.

Philipp Pieper, Co-Founder of SWARM, has commented: “The integration between Copper and SWARM is a great fit due to the compatibility of our technologies as well as our teams.

“Copper provides the level of institutional grade security and convenience that is absolutely essential for the adoption of digital securities by institutional investors and the retail market.

“Philosophically, we have found in Copper a team who are committed to the growth of a broad ecosystem for digital securities, who share our innovative spirit, and who know that we will all get further, faster when we build together."

Dmitry Tokarev, CEO and Founder of Copper, has commented: “SWARM is at the forefront of the emerging security token investment industry and we are excited to enable its vision.

“Although the crypto industry is evolving rapidly, it still needs large institutional involvement before the space can fully-mature.

“This cannot be achieved without proper custody solutions ensuring assets are secure alongside solutions that help institutions easily navigate the industry. The partnership between SWARM and Copper puts us at the forefront of developing the infrastructure for financial services 2.0”.

About Copper:
Copper is a custodian of digital assets that provides a range of future-proof custody and execution solutions for institutions. Copper’s multi-signature custody solution allows institutions can have complete certainty that their capital is not at risk of theft, whether it be from hackers of bad players in the industry.

About SWARM:
SWARM is a non-profit providing open infrastructure for the issuance and trading of digital securities.
Asset owners and fund managers can issue security tokens using Swarm’s technology with no fees, facilitating access to fractional ownership in formerly exclusive asset classes like real estate funds and private equity.
Swarm empowers investors to invest alongside others, forming a Swarm that collectively meets minimum funding requirements to participate in these investment opportunities, also with no fees.
Swarm has created Market Access Protocol, an open source, decentralized system for the safe and compliant purchase and transfer of digital securities within and across blockchains."

Finyear & Chaineum

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Chaineum - Conseil haut de bilan & stratégie blockchain
Fondée en 2015, Chaineum est un cabinet de conseil en opérations de haut de bilan offrant une expertise de premier plan en matière d’ICOs et STOs, avec une vision stratégique orientée tant vers le métier de ses clients que sur la technologie blockchain. A ce titre, Chaineum a participé à la mise en œuvre de bonnes pratiques dans le secteur (ICO Charter, Security Token Network).
Besançon - Paris + réseau international de partenaires.

About Chaineum
Founded in 2015, Chaineum is a leading corporate finance advisory firm with a strong expertise in ICOs and STOs, and a strategic focus on both its clients' business and blockchain technology. As such, Chaineum paved the way in the implementation of certain best practices in this sector (ICO Charter, Security Token Network).
Chaineum Segment, Chaineum's blockchain services division, is developing Chaineum Segment technology, an object-oriented private blockchain.

Lundi 20 Mai 2019