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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Complete next generation P2E is here - school, work, fight, explore, create and trade to earn

GameFi has a very bright future, TamaKo is rolling out to even make it brighter by offering a play to earn game designed to extensively address the most burning pressing problems at the moment, offering a highly fascinating gaming experience without trading off earnings, with captivating game design and mechanisms, plus different infrastructure, Tamako's innovations have the potential to disrupt the Play to earn industry, with valuable rewards and massive opportunity to earn.

Building a sustainable ecosystem, we're adding structures like schools, housing, and unpreceded seasonal change, necessary for an outstanding gaming experience in the metaverse. Besides, the ability to craft valuable items, showcase them, and make money selling them will be crucial for economic stability and growth in the game.

What is TamaKo?

TamaKo is a 2D isometric P2E NFT game (RPG oriented) with its metaverse. Play with your character(s), engage in different activities, earn $KOTA and $CTK tokens, craft and trade valuable items in the form of NFTs.

TamaKo is a highly anticipated NFT game launch to bring entertainment that the earlier NFT games partially ignore, or completely neglected to gamers around even better than the Play-to-win model we normally find interesting. It's kind of like a new level of metaverse socialization where you can send your metaverse companion to school, assign them to craft valuable items as NFT, and sell rewards for real-world money.

You can now explore different stunningly beautiful buildings in the metaverse city, visit other players' houses, Malls, fight monsters, and earn rewards in the process. Users will start playing in single-mode PVE and PVP will come later as we evolve.

Game Concept

● Hatch an egg to get a character that'll enable you to participate in the game.
● Assign the character to several activities like crafting, school, etc to earn rewards and in the process upgrade them.
● Use your character to fight in PVE or PVP tournaments and earn rewards.
● Explore the captivating areas in the TamaKo metaverse to enjoy the unique/fascinating immersion experience.

Gaming Features

School activity: While schooling in the real world, the student tends to Pay different fees to the school authorities or government, but everything is kind of like a flipped over here. Anytime you send your character to school for a certain period, you earn XP in turn. Which enables you to improve the characteristics of your metaverse companion.

Working activities: Surprisingly, there are other interesting activities convenient for you to seamlessly improve your character, earn XP, and related materials. A perfect example is mining: if you send your character to mine, you'll earn some iron. Which can be used in crafting valuable items like jewelry, armor, ...

DAO Voting: As a community-driven project, players can partake in the governance, deciding what features to add or remove, and the next development to prioritize and completely shape the future of the project with governance token through DAO.

House: Players can own house(s), decorate it with different stunning NFTs, store NFTs, and make use of a private crafting table in the house. Users can turn their house into a nft gallery to showcase nft, promote it, and have some interested visitors and your land gets more popular which in turn increases its value while making money with your listed NFTs.

You have full control over your house, you decide who you want to let in or those you don't want. You can also rent your whole house or a part of it as a crafting room, use it and pay your rental fee based on your agreement. Essentially, you can extend the house with special rooms, specified for a purpose such as crafting and storage room.

The game has some resources (items) and they're what'll be used in the process of crafting items including tokens which can be used as the platform's legal tender in the marketplace.

Season: The metaverse is going to be exciting, having characteristics of variation in its season just like winter/summer, with different themes and slightly different behavior. The first one is Origins which focuses on natural/normal design. And The second season is more robotics and elemental with distinct themes. To make it more entertaining, the second can be more of robotics, elements, etc. Each season will start with 1010 eggs sold as a beta access to the new content and functionnalities.

Egg: Each of these eggs consists of a character, tokens, and 4 pieces of equipment. You don't necessarily need an egg to play this game, as it's part of the beta version package and the elements present in an egg are influenced by its rarity. All the eggs have 4 levels of rarity namely: common, rare, epic, mythic.

Each of these characters differs in properties, which determines their ability to do or inability to not perform an activity in the metaverse.

Character: The most important element required to play this game are these nft characters. They're just like humans that differ in properties associated with them such as strength, intelligence, health, endurance, dexterity, and of course, luck. Your facial look, expression, skin color, eye color, hairstyle, and color are part of the major differentiator in humans and this is the same in the case of the characters.

Token: The Tamako metaverse will use two tokens. First, $KOTA is a general-purpose token, useful in the entire gaming activities including governance. You can swap it on DEX or hold it as an investment, till it gains more value and makes you a profit. The second is the $CTK used for crafting and upgrading items.

Staking: Another amazing feature, rendering Tamako the go-to virtual city is staking. With us, users can leverage $KOTA to create lucrative passive income in this booming metaverse. TamaKo offers users two staking options; Locked and flexible. Here's how it works:

● Flexible option: you simply stake your funds without locking them up. Here, You can withdraw your Capital at any point in time, plus a whopping 50% of the reward earned.
● Locked option: your capital will be locked up for 2 months, after which you'll be able to withdraw everything with a 100% reward earned

Though each player has a staking limit to control the whales' impact. A situation where some investors manipulate the market at their wish. But our limit is big enough to yield an interesting amount of $KOTA per level 25 character. Best of all, you can increase the limit(if you want to), by simply leveling up your new character.

Here are the 6 ways to earn $KOTA on the platform:
1. Buy it on a DEX
2. Sell in-game items collected from different activities on the marketplace
3. Get it as a reward for fighting in PVE mode or other players
4. Earn the token from egg hatching, since it's one of the elements present in each egg. And the quantity depends on the egg rarity
5. Earn it as a rental fee on the house or other materials for passive income
6. Staking your $KOTA

Additionally, you can easily exchange the token for real-world money or other cryptos on crypto exchanges which will be disclosed to you soon.
Stay tuned for more updated Infos about TamaKo, bringing the greatest shift in metaverse gaming experience filled with infinite exciting moments where only your imagination can control what you can become.

We will reveal the content of the first 1010 eggs on April 18, go on our webiste and mint yours before it’s too late!

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Mardi 12 Avril 2022