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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Clarity in the Cloud

Cloud is creating new business opportunities as companies harness its power to facilitate new revenue, services and businesses.

Clarity in the Cloud
This survey shows an increased readiness to accept and exploit the benefits of Cloud. Most agree that Cloud offers strategic benefits, and these look likely to transform business models to offer serious competitive advantage. The vast majority of executives surveyed expect investment in 2012 to dramatically increase, with some organizations planning to spend more than a fifth of their IT budget on Cloud next year.

The cloud rolls in, inexorably. Speak with any cloud enthusiast and the pitch is full of allusions to the associated transformative and cost-saving opportunities. But what is this cloud, really, and how should it be approached by businesses?

The term is overused. Essentially, whether it is implemented as a public, private, or hybrid environment, a true cloud solution is one where users can access a flexible volume of services as needed via the internet. And indeed, such an approach has the potential to deliver significant cost savings. Even more intriguing are the ways in which the cloud may lead to fundamental innovations and process breakthroughs.

But the path from concept to reality is by no means clearly marked. Challenges are everywhere. They begin with an essential recalibration of traditional needs including security, flexibility, accessibility, and scalability. Next, businesses and technology providers must strike new deals, developing pricing and service level agreements that more accurately reflect the shifting nature of service provision. Finally, navigating through the cloud will require large doses of change management, as businesses and providers revisit the distribution of the scope and scale of IT across their enterprises and indeed the value chain.

The potential for cost-saving, innovation, and business transformation is enormous. Not surprisingly, most businesses today are at least in the planning and testing stage of their initial cloud forays. Meanwhile, a fast-growing minority are well into full or partial implementation.

It is our belief that it is essential for businesses to get moving toward the cloud. But it is equally crucial that they take the care needed to improve the chances of getting it right. At whatever pace businesses progress toward the cloud – as they encounter obstacles and achieve early successes – they learn. The report that follows is one means by which we hope to access and share these lessons. We trust you will find its insights and guidance of value.

Steven Hill
Vice Chair of Strategic Investments, KPMG LLP (US) and Global Cloud Executive Sponsor

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Jeudi 31 Mai 2012