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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

CFOs are not Born. They need to Continually Transform

There are many accountants and few CFOs. The accounting track is a popular starting point for many of today’s CFOs, but accounting is certainly not the only track to the Chief Financial Officer role.

CFOs are not Born. They need to Continually Transform
Butterflies have an easy transformation from caterpillar. CFOs, those that make it to the role and those that are successful in the long term, have a much harder time. In fact, they do not have one transformational moment in a cocoon, but a series of ongoing transformations they must seek and overcome to continue to be successful and on top of their game.

I was fortunate to present in Vancouver last week at the CMA Leadership conference. It was a great opportunity to connect with those who believe that the CFO chair is in their future, as well as those that have achieved this status yet are continually looking to improve and grow.

Samuel Dergel
Samuel Dergel
My premise about CFO success is simple. Simple to say at least, but very hard to accomplish continually. Too many CFOs get comfortable with their employment and their status. Yet I still speak with too many CFOs on a weekly basis that are caught in CFO limbo precisely because they get too comfortable with their status as a butterfly.

CFO success requires planning: for their current role and employer, as well as for their career. While success for accountants may be about what they know, CFO Success comes from relationships. Who they know is much more important. What Chief Financial Officers do with their relationships and how they develop ‘like’ and ‘trust’, allows them to accomplish their employment AND career objectives. Becoming a better CFO benefits their employer AND their career.

Successful CFOs are not butterflies. They are so much more dynamic and long lasting. It takes hard work and planning.

What’s your CFO Success Plan?

Samuel Dergel, CPA, CA, CPC
An Insider's Insight into the Mind of the CFO
Read all of the posts by Samuel's CFO Blog on Samuel Dergel.
Samuel Dergel has over 10 years experience in CFO Search & Consulting.
Samuel is an expert on CFOs and is regularly called upon by media and other groups to better understand the CFO and their relationship with the people they deal with.
Samuel is Director and Search Consultant at Stanton Chase International. Working out of the San Francisco office, Samuel specializes in Executive Search for Chief Financial Officers.
You can reach Samuel at:
+ 1 (415) 738-2070

Lundi 25 Juin 2012