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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

CFOs: The best time of the year to hire is…

... Summer.

Samuel Dergel
Samuel Dergel
Most people would think that summer is the worst time to hire because people are on vacation and business slows down over the summer months.

From my experience, summer is the best time to hire. Executives are spending less time in meetings. They have time do the important things they haven’t had time for the rest of the year; like planning for their human capital needs, meeting with and hiring the key people they need for their team.

If you’re an employer – don’t push off your hiring for the fall. Take advantage of the lull to hire the best people for your team.

If you’re looking for your next challenge – don’t assume no one is in the office and hiring now. Summer is a great time to network and re-engage with the people that know you, like you and trust you.

Have you ever taken advantage of summer to hire or be hired?

Samuel Dergel, CPA, CA, CPC
An Insider's Insight into the Mind of the CFO
Read all of the posts by Samuel's CFO Blog on Samuel Dergel.
Samuel Dergel has over 10 years experience in CFO Search & Consulting.
Samuel is an expert on CFOs and is regularly called upon by media and other groups to better understand the CFO and their relationship with the people they deal with.
Samuel is Director and Search Consultant at Stanton Chase International. Working out of the San Francisco office, Samuel specializes in Executive Search for Chief Financial Officers.
You can reach Samuel at:
+ 1 (415) 738-2070

Vendredi 13 Juillet 2012