The Atradius survey interviewed 2,886 businesses across 14 countries in Western Europe. Surveyed countries reporting the worst problems with late payments from domestic B2B customers were Greece,...
En France, les délais de paiement continuent à s’allonger avec des retards de paiement qui atteignent 14 jours au printemps 2012, reflétant des tensions grandissantes sur la trésorerie des...
State Street Global Markets, la division de recherche et d’analyse financière et de courtage de State Street Corporation (NYSE : STT), a publié aujourd’hui les résultats de l’indice de confiance des...
MobileBits Holdings Corp., (OTCBB : MBIT), fournisseur leader en solutions d'expériences mobiles et sociales de classe entreprise, a annoncé aujourd'hui que Jim Burk avait rejoint la Société, au...
A great CFO is part of a very small team of people who really run the business. According to the person interviewed, a CFO borns with an instinct which creates value is more important and reliable...
In addition to showcasing its advanced, Islamic finance compliant, end-to-end e-payments solution SmartVista, BPC Banking Technologies delivered two speeches to hundreds of delegates from all over...
Vulnerabilities in the financial system After a period of calm in financial markets earlier this year, tensions have increased more recently and risk aversion has returned to elevated levels. In the...
Suite à une question préjudicielle transmise par le Tribunal administratif de Montreuil, la Cour de justice juge qu'afin d'apprécier la compatibilité de la réglementation française au regard de la...
SWIFT CEO Lázaro Campos has notified the Board of his intention to leave the company. After 25 years with the company, the last five of which were successful years as CEO, it is his intention to...
Résultats d’une enquête Financial Services Club/EBA/Logica sur les paiements européens La quatrième édition de l’enquête « State of the European Payments Marketplace », menée par le FS Club en...