Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Actus

10 Quotes That Defined Consensus 2016 - 17 Mai 2016

Held one week ago in New York City, CoinDesk's Consensus 2016 blockchain conference brought together speakers from all over the world to unveil new products, discuss the major issues of the day and...

Deloitte : la blockchain résoud les problèmes de traçabilité dans le secteur de l’art - 12 Mai 2016

Deloitte Luxembourg a mis au point une alternative technologique aux traces écrites qui attestent la provenance d’une œuvre d’art et ses déplacements. La preuve de concept a été révélée par l’équipe...

2016: A pivotal year for Blockchain - 12 Mai 2016

Visitors to the SWIFT Business Forum London 2016 would have been forgiven for experiencing a few Sibos 2015 déjà vu moments – standing room-only Blockchain sessions, “DLT” (distributed ledger...

Artprice, la FinTech qui accélère dans la Blockchain ! - 12 Mai 2016

Rédigé par Boursif et publié depuis Overblog. C'est confirmé : Artprice est en plein développement d'un coeur sécurisé à base de blockchain ! Le leader du marché de l'Art en a fait l'annonce ce...

Wall Street Disintermediation Arrives as Hedge Fund Trades P2P Via Blockchain, Without a Bank or Broker - 12 Mai 2016

Brooklyn-based technology outfit, Veritaseum, has enabled a hedge fund to be the first to trade actual traditional capital markets value peer-to-peer through the blockchain, completely circumventing...

Investance Partners : mise en place d'un laboratoire de veille spécialisé sur le thème du Blockchain - 12 Mai 2016

Dans le prolongement de son Forum de l’innovation de novembre 2015, Investance Partners poursuit ses recherches dans le Blockchain par la mise en place d’un laboratoire de veille spécialisé...

Coinfirm launches blockchain tech lab - 11 Mai 2016 has announced the launch of a blockchain technology lab in Warsaw, Poland. The Coinfirm Block Lab was designed to bring financial, regulatory and educational institutions together to work...

Ether: NY approves new virtual currency exchange - 11 Mai 2016

New York state has approved regulations allowing a new virtual currency called Ether. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, and the state's Department of Financial Services announced the move Thursday. The...

Blockchain in Banking: Disruptive Threat or Tool? (Morgan Stanley) - 11 Mai 2016

Blockchains could have widespread potential to disrupt financial intermediaries. Our in-depth study suggests several misconceptions & identifies 10 hurdles to overcome to make blockchain a...

Amazon Web Services is Now Working With Blockchain Startups - 10 Mai 2016

Amazon Web Services (AWS), the cloud computing business operated by Web commerce giant Amazon, is partnering with investment firm Digital Currency Group (DCG) to offer a blockchain experimentation...
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