Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Outlier Ventures: Where are all the #blockchain #startups?

By Outlier Ventures: 200 New Startups added in 6 Weeks, now at 967 startups.

After the launch of the blockchain angels startup tracker and the explosive growth of the tracker from 760 at launch, we now have 967 startups listed in the ecosystem tracker. In 6 weeks, over 200 new startups have been added. We hope to reach the milestone of 1000 blockchain startups by the end of July.

After the launch, we asked for feedback from investors, startups, incubators and media to guide the development of the product to make sure we added as much value to the community as possible. What we heard loud and clear was that the most important piece of missing data was location. So we decided to add the country and region for every one of the 967 startups in the tracker!

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Lundi 11 Juillet 2016

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