Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Actus

Première vente aux enchères du monde d'oeuvre d'art en Crypto-monnaies - 5 Juin 2018

Maecenas Fine Art, une plate-forme de blockchain démocratisant l'accès aux beaux-arts, et Dadiani Syndicate, première galerie d'art au Royaume-Uni à accepter les paiements cryptomonnaie, ont annoncé...

Odyssey (OCN) Officially Lists on Bittrex and Upbit, Showing Major Progress in Any Market Cycle - 5 Juin 2018

Singapore based blockchain company Odyssey Protocol, a leading provider in the decentralized sharing economy and P2P global transaction space, has announced its successful listing on two major...

#MetaHash dévoile le protocole Lightning-Fast qui traite 60 000 à 80 000 transactions par seconde - 5 Juin 2018

Le réseau #MetaHash lance une invitation à essayer le nouveau réseau Blockchain 4.0 #MetaHash, un réseau d'échange d'actifs numériques basé sur la blockchain et une plate-forme d'applications...

ChronoBank Launches World’s First Complete Blockchain-Based Job Platform, LaborX - 4 Juin 2018

ChronoBank, a leading international HR platform, has announced the launch of LaborX — one of the first blockchain apps currently ready for mass adoption. A New Addition to ChronoBank’s Ecosystem...

MyCreditChain aide les consommateurs à tirer profit du partage de leurs renseignements personnels - 4 Juin 2018

Le Règlement général sur la protection des données (GDPR), déjà introduit, sera mis en œuvre pour protéger les citoyens de l'UE contre l'exploitation irresponsable de leurs données et leur donner...

Liquidity Network set to become the go to airdrop provider with ‘free’ airdrops - 1 Juin 2018

Within the last 12 months over 2,500 digital currencies have performed an airdrop according to popular airdrop site The idea is clear, provide free tokens to the crypto community,...

Gravity Protocol, a Graphene-based blockchain protocol, built on Delegated Proof-of-Importance Consensus with adaptive emission - 1 Juin 2018

Gravity Protocol, a Graphene-based blockchain protocol, built on Delegated Proof-of-Importance Consensus with adaptive emission, has released its Testnet. Graphene enthusiasts and developers are...

PO8, the First Bahamian Blockchain Project Aims to Disrupt the Marine Archaeology Industry - 1 Juin 2018

PO8, the first Bahamian blockchain start-up has officially put The Bahamas on the world crypto stage. Known for its paradise islands attracting millions of tourists a year and its offshore banking,...

Global Exclusive Premier of CCCX on Coinsuper Crypto Exchange - 31 Mai 2018

Coinsuper, a leading crypto exchange in Hong Kong, is announcing that Clipper Coin Capital (CCCX) will have its global exclusive premier listing on Coinsuper on May 14th, 2018. Coinsuper is the...

SICC and vCargo Cloud Launch World's First Blockchain-based eCO - 31 Mai 2018

The world's first blockchain-based Electronic Certificate of Origin [eCO] platform was unveiled in Singapore yesterday by the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce [SICC] and Singapore-based...
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