Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
Corporate Finance Opinions

What North America’s CFOs are thinking - and doing - 30 Mai 2012

Optimism and earnings growth despite stalling revenue…but for how long? Since our last survey, several macroeconomic factors have been improving – or at least stabilizing. Unemployment numbers have...

De l’angoisse du gardien de but à l’instant du Grexit ! - 30 Mai 2012

L’évolution des marchés devient de plus en plus difficile à interpréter, la volatilité retrouve vigueur et les différentes classes d’actifs évoluent dans des sens qui peuvent surprendre nombre...

Today's Markets - May 29, 12 (Midday Update) - 29 Mai 2012

Midday, European stocks have been under moderate pressure once again having to yield a big chunk of their earlier gains with Spain’s banking crisis increasingly overshadowing positive momentum...

Today's Markets - May 29, 12 - 29 Mai 2012

Despite worries and uncertainty about the health of the Spanish banking system having gained the upper hand in late trading yesterday, stocks are moving higher today in early trading for the second...

Hollande : presque un sans-faute, pour l'instant… - 29 Mai 2012

Il faut le reconnaître, depuis un peu plus d'un an, François Hollande a quasiment réalisé un sans-faute. D'abord « sparring partner » de Dominique Strauss Khan, il s'est rapidement retrouvé favori...

Donner un sens à la croissance - 29 Mai 2012

Les dirigeants politiques n’ont pas tous la même conception sémantique. François Hollande, Angela Merkel, Wolfgang Schäuble, Mario Draghi, Christine Lagarde n’ont plus qu’un mot à la bouche:...

Being wrong versus being confused - 29 Mai 2012

Which is worse? Being wrong or being confused? Let’s start with some definitions. To make a wrong decision means you were mistaken and erroneous. Your decision was incorrect for the problem to be...

Business driven data governance critical to manage cloud complexities - 29 Mai 2012

A recent survey conducted by Forrester Research shows that business is increasingly regarding the cloud as an avenue to bypass IT. The research shows that nearly 60% of respondents are running...

The 2012 Benchmark Survey on VAT/GST - 29 Mai 2012

New business models, increased globalization, finance function transformation and rapid legislative change are all putting VAT/GST management under tremendous pressure. Compliance risks, obligations...

L’ère des mini cycles boursiers - 29 Mai 2012

Si notre analyse des mini cycles économiques et financiers est plus que jamais d’actualité, une nouvelle phase baissière a démarré plus vite que prévu avec la remontée du stress financier européen et...
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