Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Opinions

4 dirigeants sur 5 signalent des initiatives blockchain en cours - 19 Septembre 2018

Etude PwC : « Global Blockchain Survey 2018 ». Les dirigeants estiment que la Chine dépassera les Etats-Unis en devenant le principal développeur de blockchain d'ici 3 à 5 ans Confiance et...

Blockchain Weekly Front Page: Regulations R Us - 19 Septembre 2018

by Ilias Louis Hatzis Last week our theme was Institutions moving into trading on Blockchain. A related theme is Regulation, which we cover this week. Ten years ago on September 15th, the Lehman...

Investing in Payment Tokens and Stablecoins (aka new currencies) - 18 Septembre 2018

by Bernard Lunn. If you are trader/speculator, volatility is your friend. If you are using Tokenomics to fund a venture, volatility is also your friend; you sell Tokens into a rising market in order...

Crypto-finance : quel leadership pour la France ? - 17 Septembre 2018

Bitcoin reste un mot controversé. D'abord associée au "darknet" et à son lot de transactions illicites, la première monnaie virtuelle mondiale est toujours sujette aux suspicions du monde bancaire et...

Classement des malwares : le minage de cryptomonnaie passe devant les ransomwares - 13 Septembre 2018

Selon le Vulnerability and Threat Trends Report de Skybox Security, le minage de cryptomonnaie domine le paysage des menaces au premier semestre 2018 Skybox® Security, leader mondial en matière de...

Blockchain et informatique quantique - 18 Juillet 2018

Entretien avec Didier Wylomanski, Directeur commercial France et Maghreb chez Gemalto, sur l’essor de l’informatique quantique et son impact sur la viabilité de la Blockchain et le protocole Bitcoin....

Blockchain and AI enabled Insurance create waves in the Maritime industry - 17 Juillet 2018

by Arunkumar Krishnakumar. Blockchain has attempted to disrupt Banking for the last few years, with very limited success, if any. However, recently there was a commercial launch of a Blockchain based...

Malta: The world’s first blockchain-regulated country; The Liechtenstein Blockchain Act; Gas prices crippling Ethereum. - 13 Juillet 2018

by Ilias Louis Hatzis The Blockchain Bitcoin & Crypto Weekly CXO Briefing is all you need to know, each week, jargon free for CXO level business leaders and investors who will use this technology...

11 other established markets that are facing Blockchain disruption - 11 Juillet 2018

by Bernard Lunn. Blockchain changes everything. We have covered 10 markets in depth in earlier chapters. In this section we look at 11 more in a less detail. That makes 21 markets that together are...

Why blockchain is a great experiment rather than a revolution - 5 Juillet 2018

by Zarc Gin. Xiao Feng, vice-president of WanXiang Holdings and founder of WangXiang Blockchain Lab, has shared his insights on blockchain on multiple occasions. Here is a collection of some key...
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