Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Opinions

Humans have harmed Earth. Can Blockchain save it? - 4 Septembre 2019

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. One of the greatest technological advances known to mankind is the invention of electricity. Today, just about everything we do requires electricity. But, producing the...

What would the Benjamin Franklin think of Bitcoin? - 10 Juillet 2019

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. TLDR. The Currency acts of 1751 and 1764 were very unpopular in the colonies and Benjamin Franklin lobbied for their repeal when visited England in the 1760s. Some argue that...

What will move the blockchain to the masses? A trillion dollar question - 9 Juillet 2019

By William Mougayar. Are we waiting for better blockchain technology or better application of the technology? It depends who you ask. Most blockchain technologists (those working on protocol, Layer...

Prices continue to rise. Is Bitcoin going mainstream? - 2 Juillet 2019

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. Bitcoin’s trajectory has been eye-catching. Most of last year it hovered below $4,000, and earlier this week its price reached $14,000. While still very explosive and volatile,...

Le Libra : vers la disparition des monnaies nationales au profit de monnaies privées ? - 1 Juillet 2019

Par Alexandre Hezez, Group Chief Investment Officer de Banque Richelieu « La mission de Libra est de favoriser le développement d’une devise et d’une infrastructure financière mondiales simples, au...

Tokénisation de l'immobilier (1/2) - 26 Juin 2019

Leloup Partners est conseil en opérations de haut de bilan et opérateur français pionnier en matière d’accompagnement en Initial Coin Offering (« ICO ») et Security Token Offering » (« STO »). Une...

Facebook’s Libra looks and smells like a cryptocurrency, but it really isn’t - 25 Juin 2019

TLDR. Facebook finally released their much anticipated white paper on Project Libra. Facebook’s entry into the cryptocurrency market means that companies around the world are now considering their...

Laurent Leloup Web3 Consulting lance LLC-DAX (Digital Assets Exchange) - 24 Juin 2019

Laurent Leloup Consulting construit votre futur : LLC-DAX (Digital Assets Exchange). L'absence de réglementation légale dans la plupart des régions du monde permettant d'émettre et de négocier des...

The FOMO crowd is back in town. Will Bitcoin have a blockbuster comeback? - 19 Juin 2019

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. Last week our theme was “Are you buying BTC? How safe is your Bitcoin?”. Our theme for this week is “The FOMO crowd is back in town. Will Bitcoin have a blockbuster comeback?”...

Are you buying BTC? How safe is your Bitcoin? - 13 Juin 2019

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. Digital currency needs to be safe, accessible and provide complete peace of mind to anyone holding cryptocurrency or to anyone that is considering getting in the market....
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