Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News
DeFi, Blockchain Opinions

NFTs can eliminate the original sin - 29 Mars 2021

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. IMAGE SOURCE It first started with CryptoKitties in 2017. Then we had CryptoPunks and NBA Top Shot. Most recently, this March, Beeple’s digital art piece “Everydays: The First...

NFT - Non-Fungible Token (1) - 24 Mars 2021

NFT, nouveaux instruments pour les entreprises ? A l'instar de la révolution ICO que nous avons accompagnée dès 2017 puis STO en 2018, nous souhaitons vous proposer quelques définitions, visions et...

Interview Kraken | Bitcoin : pourquoi Gamestop et Tesla ont tout changé - 22 Mars 2021

Entretien avec Thomas Perfumo, Head of Strategy, Kraken. Qu'est-ce qui a provoqué l’augmentation récente de la valeur du Bitcoin? Le prix semble atteindre un nouveau record historique régulièrement,...

Et si on parlait de la révolution DeFi ? - 10 Mars 2021

Par John PLASSARD, Spécialiste en investissement, Mirabaud. Il y a moins de 5 ans, si quelqu’un vous avait parlé de Finance Décentralisée (DeFi) et de son avenir pour la finance, vous n’y auriez pas...

How Money will Disappear - 8 Mars 2021

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. IMAGE SOURCE In recent months bitcoin has had a phenomenal rally and for good reason. Big payment giants and listed companies are adopting it and not just in the US. One month...

Interview | Barney and Oscar Chambers, Co-Lead developers at Umbria DeFi platform - 26 Février 2021

Introducing the Umbria DeFi platform and its first airdrop. Barney and Oscar Chambers, can you tell us about Umbria and what it hopes to achieve in the DeFi space? Umbria is an opensource project on...

Blockchain: the internet of asset transfer - 26 Février 2021

By Invesco. Blockchain: the internet of asset transfer The internet impacts every part of our lives, but the underlying technology was first used simply to share information between two computers....

Crypto Assets: Introduction to Digital Currencies and Distributed Ledger Technologies - 24 Février 2021

This report aims to increase the understanding of blockchain technologies. It aims to explain the underlying technical concepts and how they relate to each other. The goal is to explain the...

Why tokenize securities? - 18 Février 2021

Avertissement : Le texte ci-dessous est un communiqué de presse qui n'a pas été rédigé par Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by Many crypto...

Tesla buys $1.5 billion in bitcoin. Are you buying? - 15 Février 2021

by Ilias Louis Hatzis. IMAGE SOURCE HODLing bitcoin is like being in a relationship, with its share of ups and downs. But on this day, like on past Valentine’s days, bitcoin once again showed us some...
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