CV VC today published a panoramic examination of the surging global blockchain ecosystem. The CV VC Global Report, in association with PwC Switzerland, provides a helicopter-mapped synopsis of the booming sectors of the global ecosystem. It highlights the activities of top organizations within the more prolific areas and features perspectives from experts, including CV VC, regarding the oncoming impact of humanity's newly emerging mindset.
Where venture goes, innovation and transformation follow. In 2021, venture capital flowed more money ($700bn) than ever into private companies. In blockchain, the same was true. Its funding surged over 700% year on year. It was the year of the mega-round whilst at the same time, early-stage deals inched up to 79% deal share. The CV VC Global Report pinpoints and illustrates the impetus for the surge in sectoral (presented alphabetically) investment and the impact brought.
1. Brokers & Crypto Banks - the new global influencers
2. Crypto Exchanges - revenue surpasses even the NYSE & Nasdaq
3. Custodians - AUM of $223bn, consolidation & skyrocketing funding
4. DAO - treasuries grow 40 x and act as the central banks for DeFi
5. DeFi - outpacing even the volume growth of traditional crypto exchanges
6. Launchpads - crowdfunding through crypto, some showing ATH ROI of near 6000%
7. Market Makers - moving to decentralized platforms & everyone is joining in the making
8. NFT & Metaverse - gateway to digital property rights for billions of people
9. Platforms & Protocols - expanded reach but scalability scenarios
10. Service Providers - fuelling stability of infrastructure
11. Token Issuance Platforms - prophets of adoption
12. VC in Blockchain - highlights from the biggest year ever
Where venture goes, innovation and transformation follow. In 2021, venture capital flowed more money ($700bn) than ever into private companies. In blockchain, the same was true. Its funding surged over 700% year on year. It was the year of the mega-round whilst at the same time, early-stage deals inched up to 79% deal share. The CV VC Global Report pinpoints and illustrates the impetus for the surge in sectoral (presented alphabetically) investment and the impact brought.
1. Brokers & Crypto Banks - the new global influencers
2. Crypto Exchanges - revenue surpasses even the NYSE & Nasdaq
3. Custodians - AUM of $223bn, consolidation & skyrocketing funding
4. DAO - treasuries grow 40 x and act as the central banks for DeFi
5. DeFi - outpacing even the volume growth of traditional crypto exchanges
6. Launchpads - crowdfunding through crypto, some showing ATH ROI of near 6000%
7. Market Makers - moving to decentralized platforms & everyone is joining in the making
8. NFT & Metaverse - gateway to digital property rights for billions of people
9. Platforms & Protocols - expanded reach but scalability scenarios
10. Service Providers - fuelling stability of infrastructure
11. Token Issuance Platforms - prophets of adoption
12. VC in Blockchain - highlights from the biggest year ever
The CV VC Global Report maps the 12 triumphing sectors, across 93 pages of analysis.
The report proposes that there is a changing global mindset spurring the global blockchain ecosystem to not only build a new financial universe but toward enabling enterprises and institutions to drive invention and progress forward. Whilst nations, governments, and public entities grapple with what to do with this newly emerging human mindset, many industries, and venture capitalists are moving ahead, knowingly.
Olaf Hannemann, Co-Founder, and CIO at CV VC AG shared the following viewpoint “Venture capital is about investing in the future. The VC sector knows that blockchain is a catalyst technology enabling the most significant shift in humankind over the past centuries - the transition to a new mindset. This new mindset will dictate that institutions, businesses, and brands must act accordingly. Blockchain will be a distinct enabler of their responses to humanity's new mindset.”
Mathias Ruch, Co-Founder, and CEO of CV VC expanded on this and said “The world is globally transitioning as it rebuilds from a pandemic, endures geopolitical wars, and survives a climate crisis. Underpinning the transition is humanity’s new mindset. Humankind is reaching into itself and adopting a self-determining, caring, and globally focussed mindset. Institutions, companies, and brands are beginning to embrace this transition to stay relevant. Humanity seeks trust and transparency, the democratization of institutions, and a better way of interacting and doing business. In addition to being the foundation tech for the new financial economies, blockchain is enabling humanity's new mindset to be realized.”
Past renaissances can be pinpointed to specific discoveries in some areas of the world, such as the wheel in Mesopotamia (Iraq), steam in the United Kingdom, and the internet at CERN Switzerland. The incoming blockchain revolution has arisen in hubs such as Crypto Valley, which coexist with others from all corners of the world. This ecosystem systemically feeds and nurtures itself across most cities and countries. The CV VC Global Report paints a panoramic overview of this global blockchain ecosystem. As crypto and digital assets are amid blockchain’s earliest and most prolific applications, much of the report focuses on the enormous strides happening across this realm, and this is where many of the investment funds are currently focused. The potential for application across every industry is beginning to bloom and is vast. With over 80 of the world's top 100 companies by market cap already using blockchain and the impact incoming from a new global mindset - blockchains' possibility will no longer be unimaginable but realized.
Whilst the report focuses on the current pulse points, future report series will assess what corporates, governments, academia, and philanthropy are signing and realizing.
Tracy Traschler, MD of CV VC’s incubation business, CV Labs concluded today's Global Report presentation by saying “We have just witnessed the biggest year ever in blockchain ventures. Our report is built upon learned insights and assessment of globally reported data sources. In 2021, some $33bn went to blockchain startups - the highest portion ever. Venture Capital is truly the spark igniting innovation and heralding a new future. We are proud to be such an instigator. In our view, VC is not just about yield in the monetary sense but the yield for the greater good of humanity, this is what blockchain will deliver. As a key initiator of the most mature blockchain hub, Crypto Valley, Switzerland & Liechtenstein, home to 14 unicorns, CV VC lends its expertise across the globe. It is our pleasure to share this Global Report, the second in our series, which continues our effort to shed light on a steadily growing and evolving industry.”
The report proposes that there is a changing global mindset spurring the global blockchain ecosystem to not only build a new financial universe but toward enabling enterprises and institutions to drive invention and progress forward. Whilst nations, governments, and public entities grapple with what to do with this newly emerging human mindset, many industries, and venture capitalists are moving ahead, knowingly.
Olaf Hannemann, Co-Founder, and CIO at CV VC AG shared the following viewpoint “Venture capital is about investing in the future. The VC sector knows that blockchain is a catalyst technology enabling the most significant shift in humankind over the past centuries - the transition to a new mindset. This new mindset will dictate that institutions, businesses, and brands must act accordingly. Blockchain will be a distinct enabler of their responses to humanity's new mindset.”
Mathias Ruch, Co-Founder, and CEO of CV VC expanded on this and said “The world is globally transitioning as it rebuilds from a pandemic, endures geopolitical wars, and survives a climate crisis. Underpinning the transition is humanity’s new mindset. Humankind is reaching into itself and adopting a self-determining, caring, and globally focussed mindset. Institutions, companies, and brands are beginning to embrace this transition to stay relevant. Humanity seeks trust and transparency, the democratization of institutions, and a better way of interacting and doing business. In addition to being the foundation tech for the new financial economies, blockchain is enabling humanity's new mindset to be realized.”
Past renaissances can be pinpointed to specific discoveries in some areas of the world, such as the wheel in Mesopotamia (Iraq), steam in the United Kingdom, and the internet at CERN Switzerland. The incoming blockchain revolution has arisen in hubs such as Crypto Valley, which coexist with others from all corners of the world. This ecosystem systemically feeds and nurtures itself across most cities and countries. The CV VC Global Report paints a panoramic overview of this global blockchain ecosystem. As crypto and digital assets are amid blockchain’s earliest and most prolific applications, much of the report focuses on the enormous strides happening across this realm, and this is where many of the investment funds are currently focused. The potential for application across every industry is beginning to bloom and is vast. With over 80 of the world's top 100 companies by market cap already using blockchain and the impact incoming from a new global mindset - blockchains' possibility will no longer be unimaginable but realized.
Whilst the report focuses on the current pulse points, future report series will assess what corporates, governments, academia, and philanthropy are signing and realizing.
Tracy Traschler, MD of CV VC’s incubation business, CV Labs concluded today's Global Report presentation by saying “We have just witnessed the biggest year ever in blockchain ventures. Our report is built upon learned insights and assessment of globally reported data sources. In 2021, some $33bn went to blockchain startups - the highest portion ever. Venture Capital is truly the spark igniting innovation and heralding a new future. We are proud to be such an instigator. In our view, VC is not just about yield in the monetary sense but the yield for the greater good of humanity, this is what blockchain will deliver. As a key initiator of the most mature blockchain hub, Crypto Valley, Switzerland & Liechtenstein, home to 14 unicorns, CV VC lends its expertise across the globe. It is our pleasure to share this Global Report, the second in our series, which continues our effort to shed light on a steadily growing and evolving industry.”

Laurent Leloup - Finyear
Advisor / Blockchain, DeFi, ICO, Finance 3.0
Auteur de Blockchain, la révolution de la confiance
"La blockchain n’est pas la révolution tant annoncée, elle n’est que l’outil d’un monde lui-même entré en révolution"
Advisor / Blockchain, DeFi, ICO, Finance 3.0
Auteur de Blockchain, la révolution de la confiance
"La blockchain n’est pas la révolution tant annoncée, elle n’est que l’outil d’un monde lui-même entré en révolution"
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