Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

ZillionGrid: Decentralized Hybrid Blockchain Infrastructure

As of today, things have changed! With the introduction of the ZillionGrid, the crypto world now has access to a “Decentralized Hybrid Blockchain Infrastructure”, complete with revenue generating hardware (Zillion Server Nodes), Universal Developer API and turn key Software Solutions.

With the soon to be announced ZillionLogin, ZillionBrowser, and ZillionSuite, a full range of users (from inexperienced to developers) will now have access to a suite of software applications that are turn key and easy to use. All content will be secured and authenticated via the ZillionCoin blockchain using the ZillionGrid infrastructure. The “technology agnostic” approach allows for almost any other blockchain to operate within this grid, including Bitcoin.

What problems will it solve?

The blockchain is excellent for transaction processing and ledger keeping, but mainly lacks in performance regarding data storage, data querying and easy access for app building. Most blockchains currently in existence are rather slow and allow for limited data storage. How does that affect app building? Without the ZillionGrid, integrating RPC commands into your app to communicate with the blockchain are cumbersome and rather specialized, many programmers are struggling with that concept.

Building applications on top of the ZillionGrid will greatly simplify access to blockchains, databases and rich media assets. The ZillionGrid REST API can query and grid resource and returns JSON data, which is easy to implement in any type of application (web, mobile or desktop).

How will those blockchain limitations be resolved?

The ZillionGrid provides solutions in multiple areas: it combines a decentralized, secure network with access to any blockchain via the Universal API. In addition, you can easily access and query multiple data types (text, images, audio, video) running on optimized hardware nodes.

Developer access is provided in the form of a ZillionGrid Universal REST API allowing direct grid access, using well known programming languages such as Microsoft .NET, PHP, NodeJS, Java and almost anything else in existence. API calls are routed via our Grid Manager software, providing new and powerful app building solutions.

Contact info(at)zilliongrid(dot)com or our website at for more information, interview requests, webinars or media appearances.

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Jeudi 21 Mars 2019

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