Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

The Leading Non-Fungible Token Event February 20, Times Square NYC

It has now been just over two years since the release of the first Non-Fungible Token standard - A way of registering unique, digital assets on the blockchain.

The first major NFT event in North America , NFT.NYC 2019, saw almost 500 attendees and
over 80 speakers meet in New York City's iconic Times Square to discuss the emerging NFT

One year later, NFT.NYC 2020 will return to Times Square’s Edison Ballroom, bringing together
enterprise and consumer brands, blockchain developers, gamers, artists, investors and fans to
showcase real world use cases where Non-Fungible Tokens are impacting consumer
experiences of ownership and identity with digital assets.

A sample of the Topics include:
● NFT Use Cases in the Enterprise
● NFTs for Good
● Consumer Marketing with NFTs
● NFT Ticketing and Events
● NFT Domain Names and ENS
● Gaming interoperability with NFTs
● NFTs that give Sports Fans digital ownership
● NFT Regulation
● NFTs and Art
● Using NFTs to rebuild Trust
● The role of Digital Wallets and Exchanges for NFTs

40 speakers have been approved so far from over 130 applications.

Speakers from Venrock Capital, OpenSea, the Ethereum Name Service and ConsenSys
● Alex Atallah - CTO of OpenSea
● Amanda Gutterman - Advisor to ConsenSys (former CMO)
● Arnold Waldstein - Environmentalist and Writer
● Austin Griffith - Founder of Burner Wallet
● Bradley Feinstein - Head of Global Business Development at ConsenSys
● Brantly Millegan - Ethereum Name Service
● Brian Christensen - Founder of Blockcities
● Chris Nunes - Head of Studio at HEAVY
● Christopher Lee - CMO at Fabrx
● Daniel Uribe - CEO and Co-Founder of
● David Moore - CEO and Co-Founder of KnownOrigin
● David Pakman - Partner at Venrock
● David Russek - Entre.One
● Duncan Cock Foster - Co-Founder of Nifty Gateway
● Gauthier Zuppinger - Co-Founder of
● Gordon Meyer - Founder of EngineBloc
● Helmut Siedl - CVO at DMD Diamond
● Ian Utile - CEO of ATTN.LIVE
● Jamiel Sheikh - CEO of Chainhaus
● John Crain - Founder of SuperRare
● Sir John Hargrave - CEO of Media Shower
● Josephine Bellini - Crypto Artist
● Julien Genestoux - Founder and CEO of Unlock
● Marguerite deCourcelle - CEO of Blockade Games
● Michael Arnold - Front End Engineer at Double Jump Tokyo
● Misha Libman - Co-Founder and Head of Product at Snark.Art
● Nate Geier - Founder of Mintbase
● Nichanan Kesonpat - Founder of Last of Ours
● Nithin Eapen - Founder of Chance River
● Nolan Bauerle - Author of "The Satoshi Wedding Murders"
● Or Perelman - Co-Founder of ChromaWay
● Patrick Baron - Founder & CEO of the Blockchain Consulting Group
● Perianne Boring - Founder & President of the Chamber of Digital Commerce
● Rene Schmidt - Project Lead at Chainbreakers
● Ryan Berkun - Founder and CEO of Fabrx
● Sebastien Borget - COO & Co-Founder at Pixowl Inc.
● Sid Kalla - Co-Founder at Roll
● Steve McGarry - Co-Founder of GrowYourBase
● Topper Bowers - Founder & CEO of Quorum Control
● Vanessa Grellet - Executive Director at ConsenSys

Register or apply to speak now at NFT.NYC

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Chaineum :
Fondée en 2015, Chaineum est une boutique ICO & STO offrant une expertise de premier plan en matière d’ICO et STO, avec une vision stratégique orientée tant vers le métier de ses clients que sur la technologie blockchain. A ce titre, Chaineum a participé à la mise en œuvre de bonnes pratiques dans le secteur (ICO Charter, Security Token Network).
La division services blockchain de Chaineum, développe la technologie Chaineum Segment, une blockchain privée orientée objets.

About Chaineum:
Founded in 2015, Chaineum is a ICO & STO Boutique with a strong expertise in ICO and STO, and a strategic focus on both its clients' business and blockchain technology. As such, Chaineum paved the way in the implementation of certain best practices in this sector (ICO Charter, Security Token Network).
Chaineum's blockchain services division, is developing Chaineum Segment technology, an object-oriented private blockchain.


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Lundi 6 Janvier 2020