Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Synchronoss and TBCASoft Jointly Promote Cross-Carrier Blockchain for Telecom Operators

Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNCR), a global leader and innovator of cloud, messaging, digital and IoT products, and TBCASoft, Inc., an innovator of cross-carrier blockchain platform technology, today announced that they are teaming to redefine telecom operators with blockchain.

Additionally, Ling Wu, Founder and CEO of TBCASoft, and Glenn Lurie, President and CEO of Synchronoss, will discuss “The Blockchain: Redefining Telecom Operators” at the Consumer Electronic Show on Jan. 8 at 5 p.m. PT. To attend the discussion at the Synchronoss booth in the Chairman’s Salon at the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas, please see details here.

Last year, Synchronoss and TBCASoft successfully completed a payment service proof of concept designed to allow users to make a range of in-store, mobile and digital purchases directly from their devices using Synchronoss’ secure multi-channel communications platform. The Synchronoss platform provides for payments via SMS, email and rich communications services (RCS) leveraging TBCASoft’s cross-carrier blockchain payment platform.

TBCASoft also leads the Carrier Blockchain Study Group (CBSG), a global consortium of telecom carriers, which has been gaining momentum because of its unique vision and cross-carrier blockchain platform that has no reliance on cryptocurrencies. Its Cross-Carrier Payment Service (CCPS) foundation application framework facilitates global mobile payment services among CBSG carriers. Synchronoss, a foundation application provider, plans to leverage Distributed Ledger Technology to remove middlemen parties typically found in other payment ecosystems to create improved services.

“Leading carriers recognize the value of a consortium-based blockchain, and the technology is gaining recognition as an innovative means of empowering carriers to provide differentiated services by securing transparency, security and real-time transactions with blockchain advantages,” said Ling Wu. “As the carrier community drives towards a digital future to provide its customers with superior experiences, blockchain will be at the heart of that evolution. We are very excited about the collaboration with Synchronoss and its clear expertise in delivering innovative digital solutions which, with blockchain, will help carriers achieve their objectives.”

Synchronoss President and CEO Glenn Lurie said: “Our successful proof of concept demonstrates how this new cutting-edge technology, as well as new RCS-based mobile services, will disrupt the current messaging and payments market to create new opportunities for customers, brands and carriers globally. Being able to work with the rapidly growing CBSG Consortium allows us to leverage our expertise and global reach across multiple digital platforms. Blockchain is the future for the tremendous volume and complexity of transaction processing requiring security as well as transparency, and Synchronoss is well positioned to deliver on that future.”

About Synchronoss Technologies, Inc.
Synchronoss (NASDAQ: SNCR) transforms the way companies create new revenue, reduce costs and delight their subscribers with cloud, messaging, digital and IoT products and platforms supporting hundreds of millions of subscribers across the globe. Synchronoss’ secure, scalable and groundbreaking new technologies, trusted partnerships and talented people change the way TMT customers grow their businesses.

About TBCASoft, Inc.
TBCASoft is a U.S.-based company developing innovative blockchain technology specifically for telecommunication carriers. Its consortium-based blockchain platform enables telecommunication carriers to create innovative services for their subscribers under a more secure, robust, and efficient environment. TBCASoft is located in Sunnyvale, California, the center of Silicon Valley.

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Vendredi 11 Janvier 2019