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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Suisse: Fintech FUSION and Swiss Startup Factory join forces

Zurich based Swiss Start Up Factory and Fusion announce a partnership to boost the acceleration of startups in Switzerland.

The two independent accelerators commence a close cooperation in order to build a unique bridge between the French and the Swiss German parts of Switzerland. Zurich based Accelerator Swiss Start Up Factory and Geneva based Fusion complement each other very well in their goal orientation and set up. In joining forces the accelerators will collaborate on the startup selection process, startup acceleration, cooperation with universities, mentor network exchange, joint events, and shared office space for startups.

As Guillaume Dubray, Founder and Director of Fintech Fusion, points out

The digital transformation is everywhere. Switzerland, a leader in innovation, provides excellent conditions for new and existing entrepreneurs to thrive. Startups have an enormous selection of development programs, Startup Hubs, and coaching platforms. With our new partner, the Swiss Start Up Factory, we will kick off the effort to bring the strongest business driven platforms in Switzerland together to join forces.

Mike Baur, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Swiss Start Up Factory, says about the partnership:

Due to the linguistic diversity and the cantonal and regional separation Switzerland often lacks effective efforts to concentrate these very strengths and resources. The collaborative efforts of Fusion and Swiss Start Up Factory signifies the first partnership that transcends the aforementioned barriers by bringing together two independent accelerators from diverse linguistic and geographical regions. This is just the beginning of strengthening the Swiss Startup ecosystem by breaking the regional traditions.

A promising partnership that will definitely help startups move from idea to prototype (@ Swiss Startup Factory), and from Beta to Revenues (@ Fintech Fusion)!

Cet article Fintech FUSION and Swiss Startup Factory join forces est apparu en premier sur Fintech Fusion.

Les médias du groupe Finyear

Mardi 24 Mai 2016