Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Samba, Saudi Arabia's leading bank, introduces new debt management and collection system

Tallyman system manages repayments of consumer debts including mortgages, credit cards, loans and overdrafts. Samba Financial Group has deployed a new debt management and collection system, Tallyman from Experian.

Samba, Saudi Arabia's leading bank, introduces new debt management and collection system
Tallyman specialises in managing customer debt, including mortgages, credit cards, loans and overdrafts and enables Samba to adopt the most effective and proven techniques for ensuring that provisioning and bad debt write-offs are minimised.

Samba evaluated a variety of different products available in this field. Tallyman was chosen because it is easy to configure and can be integrated with Samba’s existing processes.

The Tallyman debt collection management software and operations were acquired by Experian on May 2007 and became part of Experian’s Decision Analytics line of business. Designed for organisations and businesses that grant credit to consumers and organisations that provide consumer credit as part of their business model, such as retailers, utilities and communications companies, Tallyman is used to manage customers falling into arrears with their payments.

However, Tallyman’s unique value lies in its ability to segment customers in arrears in the same way marketing departments segment customers and prospects using CRM systems – which is particularly vital for consumer debt management, where each case of arrears needs to be managed in an appropriate and sensitive manner.

Brian Dewis, Managing Director of Experian's Tallyman business, said: “We are working with a number of organisations within the Middle East which extend credit to consumers. As rising levels of consumer debt continue to affect the bottom lines of companies, demand for Tallyman is increasing. By using Tallyman, Samba will be able to minimise its losses and maximise return in this competitive market.”


Jeudi 4 Octobre 2007