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Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

SAP et Ovum annoncent des changements radicaux dans le domaine de l’assurance

Un rapport récent de SAP (NYSE: SAP) et Ovum intitulé "Transformation de la technologie dans l'industrie de l'assurance mondiale» indique que, pour rester compétitifs, les prestataires d'assurance doivent adopter une approche proactive pour aider les clients à gérer les risques grâce à la technologie «insurance-as -a service ".

Selon le rapport, le changement se produira dans les cinq à 10 prochaines années en raison de l'importance croissante de trois gros facteurs: la transformation digitale, le Cloud et l'Internet des objets (IoT). Ces facteurs permettront de :

• Capturer l'énorme volume de données générées par les technologies numériques pour prédire les risques avec plus de précision. Les détenteurs pourront grâce à ces informations mieux conseiller leurs clients et mieux anticiper les risques.

• Remplacer les modèles de prestation informatique lourdes par des architectures basées dans le Cloud plus rapides et beaucoup plus flexibles. Les détenteurs seront en mesure de répondre rapidement aux demandes des clients en introduisant de nouvelles caractéristiques et fonctionnalités en temps quasi réel.

• La technologie IoT, avec capteurs embarqués, spécifiques pour le développement de technologies dans les domaines de la domotique et de la télématique permet aux assurés de créer leurs propres politiques personnalisées en fonction du niveau de risque présenté. Leur assurance automobile devient ainsi adaptable- lorsque la voiture est conduite, les primes augmentent et, à l'inverse, diminuent lorsque la voiture est garée.


SAP and Ovum Report Says Insurance Model Will Be Radically Different in Five Years

A recent report from SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) and Ovum titled “Technology Transformation in the Global Insurance Industry” states that, to remain competitive, insurance providers must take a proactive approach to helping customers manage risk through technology-enabled “insurance-as-a-service” solutions.

The insurance industry is entering a new stage, one characterized by new products, services, competitors and customer demand. As technology-driven change continues to accelerate, it will challenge existing business models and force carriers to offer a product-based proposition based on more than just price. Insurance providers need to become active participants in their customers’ lives, playing the role of a comprehensive “risk manager” and providing services and solutions based on individual needs and preferences.

According to the report, the shift will happen in the next five to 10 years due to the increasing importance of three critical forces: digital transformation, cloud and the Internet of Things (IoT). These forces allow carriers to:

Capture the tremendous volume of data generated by digital technologies to predict risk more accurately. Carriers can use this information to become a trusted advisor to their customers and alert them to potential problems in advance.
Replace cumbersome IT delivery models with cloud architectures that are faster and far more flexible. Carriers will be able to respond quickly to customer demands and requests by introducing new features and functionalities in near real time.
Incorporate IoT technology, for example, embedded sensors, telematics and home automation to offer individual policyholders the autonomy to create their own, highly customized policies based on the level of risk they present. As an example, premiums for auto insurance could vary – when the car is driven, premiums increase and, conversely, decrease when the car is parked.
“To fully exploit the opportunities presented by these technologies, carriers need to view them as core parts of their business strategy,” added Charles Juniper, principal insurance analyst, financial services technology, Ovum Research. “Digital transformation, cloud and IoT all play an important role in creating a seamless experience that provides added value to customers. It’s this added value that will make insurance carriers a more active, valuable participant in their customers’ lives and help them to compete against new market entrants.”

A broader look at the perspective at SAP on the digital transformation happening in insurance can be found at "How Insurers Can Prepare for the Digital Revolution.":

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Mercredi 7 Septembre 2016