Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Markus Meier CFO de Swiss Prime Site (SPS)

La société immobilière Swiss Prime Site (SPS) a annoncé lundi la nomination de Markus Meier au poste de directeur financier (CFO).

M. Meier est ainsi confirmé dans les fonctions qu'il assumait à titre intérimaire depuis le départ du titulaire Peter Wullschleger, fin 2014.
La nomination entre en vigueur immédiatement, selon le communiqué original ci-dessous.

Markus Meier, économiste d'entreprise et comptable de formation, est entré au service de SPS en 2009, suite au rachat de Jelmoli par la société zurichoise. Il avait jusqu'ici la responsabilité des finances, de la comptabilité et des relations investisseurs.

Markus Meier named new CFO of Swiss Prime Site AG

Swiss Prime Site AG’s Board of Directors has named Markus Meier (1964, Swiss citizen) as new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) with immediate effect and appointed him as member of the Executive Board. He had already assumed this position on an interim basis following the departure of Peter Wullschleger as at end-2014.

Markus Meier, with date of birth 1964, is a business economist (FH) and certified public accountant. After years of employment at Arthur Andersen (today Ernst & Young) in the fields of auditing, tax advisory and corporate consulting, he held positions as Group Controller at BZ Group, Head of Corporate Accounting and Tax at Ascom and Chief Financial Officer at Mobimo AG as well as Jelmoli AG. Markus Meier has been employed at Swiss Prime Site since the acquisition of Jelmoli AG in 2009 and responsible for the areas of Finance, Accounting and Investor Relations.

“Markus Meier is the ideal successor to fill the CFO position with his high level of expertise and proven experience in the sector as well as a valuable addition to the Executive Board,” declares Hans Peter Wehrli, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Swiss Prime Site AG.

Swiss Prime Site
Swiss Prime Site AG is Switzerland's leading listed real estate investment Company. The Group’s portfolio is valued at CHF 9.8 billion and comprises first-class, high-quality properties with primarily office and retail floor space situated in prime locations. The real estate investments, coupled with the real estate services provided by subsidiary Wincasa AG, make up the Real Estate segment. The Retail and Gastronomy segment consists of Jelmoli – The House of Brands department store and Clouds Restaurant in Prime Tower, Zurich (until mid- 2015). The Assisted Living segment comprises the senior residences and geriatric care facilities provided by Tertianum Group.
Swiss Prime Site is distinguished by its experienced management team, stable earnings potential and attractive risk/return profile. The Company has been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since 2000 and reports market capitalisation of CHF 5.4 billion as at 31 March 2015.
Swiss Prime Site AG, Frohburgstrasse 1, 4601 Olten

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Mercredi 3 Juin 2015

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