Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Interview | Naomi Lackaff, Head of Partnerships at Shrapnel

Finyear Q&A by Naomi Lackaff, Head of Partnerships at Shrapnel

What is Shrapnel, what's the vision behind the game?

Shrapnel is the world's first blockchain-enabled moddable AAA first-person shooter game. We are building a high-stakes game unlike any other by taking one of the most popular gaming genres, first-person shooter, and supercharging it with creator features and blockchain.

Shrapnel is set against the backdrop of a massive asteroid colliding with the Moon, impacting the earth and leaving an area known as the Sacrifice Zone uninhabitable. Rumors swirl of world-changing discoveries by those operating in the zone, including a mysterious material called Sigma. Nations and corporations begin assembling their own forces to venture in and seize control of the zone and the coveted material it houses.

The game has a two-fold vision. We envisage players embarking on a unique, thrilling adventure, where they can mint their avatars, acquire items and construct unique identities. Each of these identities will be woven into a dynamic community that will provide insights into Shrapnel’s design, roadmap, and aesthetics. Following the ethos of decentralized projects, community involvement will drive gameplay every step of the way. Players who actively participate in all elements of the game will earn reputational points and have a say in in-game decisions. The end objective is to provide players with the ability to collectively own the game and its future direction. To do this, we are working hard on getting moderation right, so it can be a seamless transition.

Why do you think there is a gap in the market for Shrapnel?

As a new generation of gamers emerges, they desire a more immersive gaming experience, accompanied by strong community engagement. Powered by our team of award-winning industry veterans, Shrapnel is well-positioned to fill the gap in the market for a AAA game with moddable design elements. Unlike other blockchain games, Shrapnel will prioritize gameplay, graphics UX, and fun above all else. Our goal is to offer gaming enthusiasts a platform for creative self-expression and the opportunity to engage in world-building and game-asset creation. In the past, players in traditional games spent hours customizing and trading items without ever actually owning them. Shrapnel will transform ownership with its create-to-own concept. As a technology, blockchain grants a depth of ownership that other technologies cannot. Players will be empowered to create and exchange their creations and get rewarded for the time and creativity they invest in Shrapnel.

What are you excited about in the gaming space at the moment?

We are thrilled to see that blockchain-based gaming has increased 2000% since the first quarter of 2022. This tremendous growth equates to 52% of all blockchain activities. This is hugely advantageous for the blockchain gaming sector and will give innovators and developers greater scope to further develop and make improvements in the industry. The next few years will be exciting as the space continues to attract considerable numbers of new players and innovators. This will propel technology and most importantly in-game experience, to new heights.

Any exciting plans for the future?

We recently released our White Paper which underlined our impressive roadmap for the future. Including exciting upcoming milestones, it covers our development and community plans in detail. To keep up to date with all things Shrapnel, be sure to follow us on Twitter and Discord.

Mercredi 25 Mai 2022