Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

Innovators: Are You a Challenger or a Defender?

Understanding your personal strength can help guide your career choices.

Today’s most groundbreaking companies challenge established markets and competitors with innovations that dislocate and reinvent entire industries. These companies set new standards for customer experience, quality, functionality, and service, and incumbents must skillfully manage their business and customers in order to compete.

Innovators can be categorized as either challengers or defenders, and almost all are better in one area than the other whether they know it or not. Defenders optimize every opportunity to grow revenue from their existing customer base; challengers devise inventive business models and make competition obsolete. Few managers excel at both.

Which is your strength as an innovator — are you a challenger or a defender? Take this nine-question quiz to find out right now. There are no wrong answers, but the result may surprise you — and understanding your personal strength can help guide your career choices.

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Jeudi 2 Février 2017