Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

HR for Tomorrow Summit

This Summit will again bring together the world’s most influential business thinkers, HR decision makers and innovators who are taking HR to new frontiers.

HR for Tomorrow Summit
Join us for two intensive days of success stories, thought-provoking industry content and a peak at new technology trends.

This event is a great platform for HR professionals to connect with and learn from each other. Enjoy unparalleled learning and networking opportunities, reimagine HR and participate in discussions on the latest trends and tools with the thought of creating and implementing a sustainable, high impact HR model.

This Summit will address issues in reinventing organisational structures, reshaping the recruitment and hiring processes, redefining the employee experience, workforce analytics and digitalisation. It will also shed light on existing HR technologies and rising demands of the life science industry by sharing knowledge and best practices on how to attract, develop and retain talent.

It is an honour to host this summit and it’s a privilege to invite you to partake. We look forward to welcoming you in February!

Click here to register

- Redefining the candidate experience
- Establishing a people development culture with the help of new digital tools
- Diversity and inclusion
- HR retention of key talents
- HR analytics: using data to generate meaningful analysis
- Improving employee experience
- Building and growing your strategic HR capabilities
- How to leverage technology to expand organisational capacity
- And more…

Finyear is a media partner of HR for Tomorrow Summit.


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Chaineum :
Fondée en 2015, Chaineum est un cabinet de conseil en opérations de haut de bilan offrant une expertise de premier plan en matière d’ICO et STO, avec une vision stratégique orientée tant vers le métier de ses clients que sur la technologie blockchain. A ce titre, Chaineum a participé à la mise en œuvre de bonnes pratiques dans le secteur (ICO Charter, Security Token Network).
La division services blockchain de Chaineum, développe la technologie Chaineum Segment, une blockchain privée orientée objets.

About Chaineum:
Founded in 2015, Chaineum is a leading corporate finance advisory firm with a strong expertise in ICO and STO, and a strategic focus on both its clients' business and blockchain technology. As such, Chaineum paved the way in the implementation of certain best practices in this sector (ICO Charter, Security Token Network).
Chaineum's blockchain services division, is developing Chaineum Segment technology, an object-oriented private blockchain.

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Nothing contained on the website constitutes investment advice or offers any opinion with respect to the suitability of any security, and the views expressed on this website should not be taken as advice to buy, sell or hold any security. In preparing the information contained in this website, we have not taken into account the investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances of any particular investor.
This information has no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any specific recipient of this information and investments discussed may not be suitable for all investors.
Any views expressed on this website by us were prepared based upon the information available to us at the time such views were written. Changed or additional information could cause such views to change.
All information is subject to possible correction. Information may quickly become unreliable for various reasons, including changes in market conditions or economic circumstances.

Jeudi 22 Août 2019