Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

FY360° | Innovation Isn’t the Answer to All Your Problems

What should leaders do to boost their organization’s ability to innovate?

There’s a seemingly endless list of options to consider. Set up a new-growth group. Launch an idea contest. Change the reward systems. Run an action-learning program to develop the top leadership team’s ability to confront ambiguity. Form a venture investment fund. Take a road trip to Israel or Silicon Valley. Build an open innovation platform. Bring in outside speakers. Hire seasoned innovators. Paint the walls blue. Buy a lot of books.

And what’s the point of all these approaches? To infuse innovation into day-to-day activities of your company so your frontline workers will identify customers’ problems and solve them in novel ways? To create an elite squad of business builders that can launch a disruptive business? To change the way senior leaders think so they are more...


FY360° by Finyear, la revue de presse à 360° en finance-gestion d'entreprise & finance d'affaires.

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FY360° by Finyear (ex Financial Year Links) is a Finyear service on a mission to save you time and keep you smart. Our team follows the relevant news, summarize it, link to the original sources and deliver it on the Finyear website and in the daily newsletter.
FY360° by Finyear is not a finished product: please let us know what you think and if you have a suggestion, a complaint, or something we should link to, email us.

Les médias du groupe Finyear

Lundi 29 Juin 2015