Corporate Finance, DeFi, Blockchain, Web3 News
Corporate Finance, Fintech, DeFi, Blockchain, Web 3 News

FINTECH: a game-changer in fund distribution, according to ALFI

“The asset management industry has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to re-imagine and modernise its distribution model to address market and operational challenges – for future and current investors,” says Denise Voss, Chairman of ALFI.

“The asset management industry has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to re-imagine and modernise its distribution model to address market and operational challenges – for future and current investors,” says Denise Voss, Chairman of ALFI.

According to a new paper published today by the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI) and Deloitte, “How can FinTech facilitate Fund Distribution”, the surge in FinTech is starting to reshape the financial sector on a global scale with a flourish of new players attracting significant attention from markets, customers and investors. ALFI believes that Luxembourg asset servicing firms have a major opportunity to help asset managers and distribution intermediaries to succeed in the change.

Denise Voss, Chairman of ALFI, says: “FinTech is more than a buzzword. It will have a fundamental impact on the operating model of asset managers, distribution intermediaries and service providers, who are also facing new investor behaviours. The investment management ecosystem has not only to increase efficiency, but also to provide a better customer experience if it is to succeed in the future. In order to help asset managers and service providers to adapt their respective business models, ALFI has established its Digital/FinTech Forum whose aim is to highlight the challenges and opportunities inherent in new digital technologies.” ...

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Lundi 14 Mars 2016